Kara arrived in CatCo but she had a very annoyed face... she could hear from the other TV's that everyone was talking about the same thing, Supergirl and Superman are cousins.

Reporter: No one has been able to identify who or rather what she is.

She walked in direction to her computer with Cat's coffee and her meal too. Winn saw Kara and definitely could tell there was something wrong with her.

Winn: Ah. Interesting choice mentioning that in an interview. Isn't that a little dangerous?

Kara: *looking back* I didn't mean to. I got confused and it just popped out. *whispers* She... She tricked me. She's like a villain. She's like a super interviewing villain.

Winn: That is literally the most boring power ever.

Cat: Kerah!

Kara looks back and sighs by hearing her voice... this was going to be a big problem. She walks inside seeing her watching the news in the hundreds of TV's in her screen.

Kara: Good morning, Ms. Grant.

Cat: *smiling* It's a big day for journalism. *looks back at Kara* The Daily Planet can suck it. I scooped them.

Kara: *putting her food and coffee in the table* Yes, I... I heard. You told everyone that Supergirl and Superman are cousins. Do you think maybe she might've kind of wanted that on the down low?

Cat: Bulletproof.

Kara: Uh. Are you asking me if I'm bullet...

Cat: Bulletproof Coffee. It's made from unsalted
grass-fed butter with an extract of coconut oil that improves brain energy. I will need a cup of it every hour. Crappy coffee has toxins in it that will rob me of my creativity and my vigor. I'm going to need both... *drops a bag in her trash can* if I am going to write a kick-ass expose on Supergirl.

Kara: *bit shocked* You're writing it? *stuttering* Yourself?

Cat: I'm a writer. It's like riding a bike, or
severe childhood trauma. You never really lose it. And I must be pretty decent at it because...

She gestures at the TV's, she made the discovery of Superman and Supergirl being cousins, so it's technically up to her for the rest. Kara chuckles after that as Cat returns to talk.

Cat: We will be publishing a special
issue of our monthly magazine, The Day After Tomorrow. It is going to make that Caitlyn Jenner Vani Fai look like a Penny Saver pullout. We need a big party to launch it. Throw something together... Uh, 1,000 guests. Rent out a museum or something.

Kara: Um...

Cat: And move Dave out there to another desk. I find his hair distracting.

Kara looked back as she gulps silently as she walks towards a guy with curly strong red hair as she gets a bit shy.

Kara: Um, Dave, I need a favor.

Dave looks bit confused and looks away shyly.


Hank: Have you lost your mind?

Hank and Supergirl were walking in the halls of the DEO though Hank was definitely not happy.

Hank: What were you thinking giving interviews?

Supergirl: I wouldn't say it was an interview exactly. It was more of a private conversation that's being published.

???: And now everyone knows your relationship.

Supergirl looks seeing Y/N leaning by a rail.

God of War (Book 1) Male Reader x CW Supergirlजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें