43 - Dangerous [NC18+]

Start from the beginning

Vegas holds my wrists tight over my head.

"Ugh!...haa....ah...f***, Vegas!"

Khun Kan's POV (memories from the past)

Taipei – Wang facilities: martial arts training center.

"Lian is making a lot of progress, Master Wang. Surely you will be able to reassemble the white chessboard."

"The three main pieces have already been chosen, Khun Kan."

"Through the chess room?!"

"Mhmm...Meiling was the first...she is the white tower...and that boy was the last ...Tianshi, my white knight. There are other vacant positions...but Lian will be able to complete the board when he takes over."

"Meiling and Tianshi..."

"You're pensive, Khun Kan."

"...they're skilled."

"They've been training for years."

"I see..."

"Don't forget our agreement, Khun Kan."

"I won't."


Khun Kan's Private Jet - Years later:

["Bodyguard Pete managed to escape, Khun Kan. He hit Khun Vegas and ran away."]

"Did you make it easy for him?"

["Yes, sir"]

"That's good"

["Khun Kan...you know Khun Vegas won't let him go...he seems to be too attached to Pete..."]

I run my fingers through my hair, distressed.

"...fate?!...karma?!...I don't know anymore..." I sigh.

["Are you okay, sir?!"]

"Everything is happening all at once...maybe I can no longer postpone what needs to be done. My brother took everyone I loved from me... to the point where I had to make difficult decisions (3)... it won't be any different with my son."

["What are you going to do, Khun Kan?!"]

"Now?! Think...keep an eye on Vegas, Nop. Keep me informed."

["Sure, sir"]

I hang up the phone.

The jet prepares to take off in a couple of minutes.

I hold a black velvet box.

I open it.

"The black king...the red queen...and..." I murmur to myself.

I get my laptop.

I enter the chess room.

A message on the screen is shown: the white king has entered the room.

["Khun Kan? I thought it was ..."]

"Lian...I have to meet you in person... my jet arrives in Taipei during the night."

["Okay...is it something serious?!"]

"I need your help. I can give you what you want, but you must help me with what I need."

["Will you tell me who killed my parents?"]

"I will help you to remember who you have forgotten." (4)


"And I'll give you these."

I show him two crystal and diamond chess pieces in my hands.

["Keys to the chess room?!"]

"Yes...the black king and..."

["...the white knight ...?!"]

"The real one."

["I'm confused..."]

"You won't be anymore..."

["Okay...I'll be waiting for you, sir."]

"There's something else..."

I show him a third object...a necklace.

["Il serpente?! How?! I don't understand..."]

"You will."


Author's note

Hey guys!Apologies for the delay!We'll have more of ArmMacau in the next chapter, don't be mad at me!


(1) Original VP novel (spoiler): In chapter 10 Vegas opens Khun Kan's safe.

(2) Original VP novel (spoiler): In chapter 10 Vegas discovers that his father pretend not to love him and Macau to protect them from Khun Korn.

(3) Spoiler: Khun Kan refers to his decision to pretend he doesn't love his children so that Khun Korn won't kill them.

(4) Chapter 16 - A price tag: refers to the following passage in the text:

[Lian's POV

I walk around my room looking for my lighter. I go onto the balcony to light a cigarette.

I touch my lips calling for a memory and think about who I really wish was in my bed right now.

If I hadn't been kept in the dark for so long...]

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now