Peril and Clay's Eggs

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Peril had never been happier in her life. Her and Clay were together, and Peril was with her first clutch of eggs. Clay loved her as much as she could hope to dream, and she loved Clay more than... well, basically everything in the world combined, like so obviously. Of course Clay was a MudWing and he was naturally drawn to his siblings and always would be, but he'd gone to such lengths against his natural instincts to show Peril that she was number 1 in his life.

Peril looked over at Clay and smiled. There was no shame in loving such a sweet hunk of MudWing and she was not afraid to show it. Clay gave his gentle smile back.

"Ready for our eggs?" Peril asked, "Because I am."

"Yeah," said Clay. He felt a little worried, raising dragonets was a new thing for him, and MudWings in general. He didn't want to be like Kestrel.

Peril rushed to Clay's side and gave him a hug. Clay flinched for a second, but then allowed himself to sidle up next to her and twine his tail around hers.

Though Clay's scales were less vulnerable to fire, he wasn't completely fireproof, and Peril felt a little bad about how she slightly burnt him in order for them to have their eggs.

At least it wasn't like the time she burnt the dragon-bite viper venom out of Clay. At first she'd had no second thoughts about it, she was saving Clay's life and that's all that mattered, nothing could really hurt her before, so she really had no idea what true pain had felt like. After being shot by that dragonflame cactus though, she had begun to realize what it really meant to be in pain, and slowly she began to realize what that must have meant for Clay, and for that, she couldn't help but feel some level of guilt on what she must have made him endure, even if it was for his greater good.

Peril had heard laying eggs was a painful experience too. Yeah right, it couldn't hurt more than having a dragonflame cactus exploding in your face, right.

Nope, it hurt much worse.

Peril writhed and screamed through the unimaginable pain. THIS WAS NOTHING LIKE A DRAGONFLAME CACTUS! Peril had no idea so much pain could even exist for one dragon. Was this what other dragons felt when she burnt them to a crisp back in the arena? Because if it only hurt a fraction of this bad, she regretted her life decisions.

Then again, maybe it was mercy. Kill the dragon so they would never live to face this.

So Peril screamed, lost in a helpless pain she never knew possible. Pain that could completely level her, and make her only able to wish for escape.

Many times, Peril had wanted to set the world on fire. Now a world of fire was running through her, drowning her out from the rest of reality.

"CLAY!" She cried out, the world around her swirling in an inferno of pain, pain she believed only she could inflict but now was lost in an abyss way more than she ever imagined, all alone a fog of agony surrounding her awareness, "CLAY!"

And then his talons were in hers, a small speck of love penetrating the fog of agony that consumed her very being.

Clay winced a bit at the heat of her scales, but he figured if Peril needed him, it was worth a small bit of heat. She rested her head against his, crying out in pain.

"Clay! Clay!"

"I'm here Peril. I'm here for you."

Peril shifted her talons, struggling to pull just a little bit of focus away from her pain, and into the feel of Clay's talons in hers. While the rest or the Universe was drowned out by pain, here there was, a small connection to Clay, holding her, loving her, as only Clay could.

Clay remembered when Peril burned the dragon-bite viper venom out of him, how it was so painful he lost his identity of who he was. Even to this day, he still felt bad for himself, knowing that being himself meant suffering such excruciating, helpless agony. Was this what Peril was going through now? What all the dragons who laid eggs went through? By how Peril was screaming, he almost thought it was worse, which was awful. Clay couldn't even bear to think of the dragon-bite viper incident most times, much less that they all went through something worse. Clay couldn't help but think of his other friends, Glory, Tsunami, and especially Sunny. It was bad enough seeing Peril go through this, did it have to include all his friends as well?

Peril continued to writhe and scream, her only connection to the real world Clay's talon in hers.

Suddenly, there was the sound of sizzling. The egg was coming, and Peril's heart was suddenly gripped by fear at the realization the egg had come in contact with her Firescales.

"Oh no! My egg! I'm burning it! I'm killing it! I always kill eggs! That's what I do!" Peril wailed through the pain.

And then it was done, Peril's first egg. Clay rushed back to retrieve the egg.

"Did I burn it? Did I kill our baby?" Peril cried.

Clay felt the egg. It was hot to the touch, and Clay instinctively pulled his talon away. But no. It wasn't too hot, and cooling down rapidly. Clay picked up the egg and raised it to his ear. Being a teacher at Jade Mountain Academy had taught him a thing or two. And inside the egg, he heard the gentle rhythm of an egg slowly forming into a dragonet.

"It's okay," Clay said, "Our dragonet is all right."

But Peril had already went back under into her world of screaming as she went on to lay the next of their eggs.

Clay once again joined her at her side.

"I'm here for you Peril, I always will be."

Peril had finished laying, and was now resting. It had been intense, and Peril still could not comprehend what she'd been through. But now there were 6 healthy eggs beside her, despite her worries, not a single one was harmed by her Firescales. Must be a defense mechanism for her and Clay's descendants. Clay's friend Starflight would know, but she'd leave that for him to ask.

Clay curled up beside her and twined his tail around hers.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm doing alright." Peril answered. She looked into Clay's eyes. "I love you."

Clay stared back. Growing up with adopted sibs had surely helped him adapt to being with other dragons outside just his own family, and he clearly loved Peril as much as any of his other sibs, but he was trying so hard to love her as something more. And looking into her eyes, he knew it was true, Peril was the one he wanted to spend his life with. "I love you too," Clay replied.

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