Queen Snowfall's Eggs

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"This is great, just great." Queen Snowfall mumbled, looking at her slowly expanding belly, "I don't even have a partner, and here I am with this!"

"Are you okay?" Lynx asked her politely.

"DO I LOOK OKAY," Snowfall shouted in her face. Lynx didn't even flinch. Snowfall sighed. "Don't tell anyone else about this, okay."

"You don't have to worry, your secret is safe with me," Lynx replied.

Queen Snowfall sighed again, "you've had eggs before, right? What was it like?"

Lynx looked at her, "Trust me, you aren't going to like it."

"And I'm having eggs because why again? There is no father."

"It is a condition of females for many egg laying species, including dragons, to sometimes lay eggs unpromted-"

"I KNOW!" Snowfall cried, "Just why is this happening to me?"

Lynx shrugged.

"You will help me with the labor won't you, considering you've already done it before, and I don't want this getting out?"

"Of course," Lynx assured her, "Of course, you probably should sound proof your walls to hold back the screaming. I have a feeling you'll have some... entertaining reactions to the experience."

Snowfall glared at Lynx "You don't think I'm capable of maintaining my head?"

"I think you have no idea of what you're in for if you think you'll have any capability to maintain any level of reasonability while you're laying."

Snowfall was about to give a sharp retort when she suddenly felt an even sharper "retort" in her belly. She gasped.

"What was that?"

Lynx was looking at Snowfall. "I don't think there's going to be time to soundproof your walls."

Snowfall processed the implications in her voice. "Now? But I'm not ready. I thought I would at least have some time to prepare myself." Snowfall fretted.

"You think it's going to wait for you to be ready? You're never going to be ready, there is no way to prepare for what you'll experience," Lynx said, "Don't even bother trying to think you can handle it. You can't. Just lay back, let yourself scream out your unimaginable agony, and it will be over eventually."

Snowfall could tell Lynx was enjoying this. She was going to have to have her executed a little for that.

But before she could do anything, the sharpest contraction she had ever felt erupted in her stomach. She screamed. But it was already beginning to pass. Maybe she could-

And then another erupted through her, then another, wave after wave, each hitting before she could recover from the shock of the last one. She remembered how she had regrated her life when she'd first become Queen, having to wear that cursed Crown every night, having to rearrange the Wall. She remembered how exhausted all that stress had made her, but all of that combined was nothing compared to the energy it took just to endure herself for one second now.

"WHAT IS THIS!" Snowfall screamed, "HOW CAN IT BE HAPPENING TO ME! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" That last claim was baseless, but she felt mad at Lynx right now, and it felt right. "GUARDS! MAKE IT STOP! TAKE AWAY MY BACK HALF AND LOCK IT UP! MAKE IT STOP TORTURING ME!"

"See, I told you it'd be like this," Lynx said, "It happens to all of us eventually."

ALL OF US! Snowfall screamed inwardly. She had been in the minds of many dragons, knowing many experiences outside of her own. Many of those experiences she had dreaded, pitying any who had to call those experiences their own life. None of those experiences compared to the angst she felt for her own existence now. And for all those minds she had been inside, this was normal? She couldn't take this herself, she couldn't imagine all those other dragons eventually going through this as well.

Well, not all of them, some of them are luckier than others. Blue for example. But you got to feel bad for him when he finds out about this happening to Cricket.

But Snowfall could only think of herself at the moment. Curse them ALL with this pain! Just take it away from her!

(And don't make her wear the Opal while they are doing it, that part was equally important. Let them suffer without her knowing what it felt like.)

"This is far more entertaining when it's happening to your oversensitive queen than yourself." Lynx remarked.

"WHAT!" Screamed Snowfall, but she was already beginning to lose focus on her subject's act of treason as more pain engulfed her.

Still, Lynx wondered if maybe that was going too far, even with the banter her and her queen often shared.

Either way, Snowfall wasn't going to be finished until she was finished, and there was still a lot more pain for her to go through before she was, and Lynx couldn't help but be glad her own experience was in the past. For now.

Snowfall on the other talon, hated every single second of it. How could this be her life? Her fate?

Sometime in the middle, some guards came in to check on Queen Snowfall's screaming. At first they thought Lynx was massacring her, but then they had served under Queen Glacier during similar circumstances and quickly caught on to what was really going on. Lynx decided not to bother the Queen with the knowledge of the visit when she returned to her right mind. She didn't need the extra embarrassment of knowing the whole castle had heard her predicament.

Finally, Queen Snowfall reached the end, and she gasped for breath.

"Now THAT was how I wanted to spend my day as Queen!" She griped through her sweat.

"Well, at least it's over," Lynx informed her, "And you got 6 beautiful eggs."

"Six eggs?" Snowfall scowled, "They aren't even alive. What am I going to do with them?"

"Lynx looked at her. "You could make six beautiful Omelets."

"Six Omelets!" Snowfall cried. She always hated those OmeletWing tales parents would tell their dragonets, and she didn't get how it had become such a popular joke. Parents just had morbid senses of humor, that was it.

"Well do what you want with them," Snowfall grumbled, "As for me, I'm going to forget the whole thing ever happened, and never do it again."

"Until you fall in love," Lynx responded.

"Until I fall in lov-" Snowfall stopped. "What?"

"You need heirs to fill the throne after you," Lynx reminded her.

"Fine." Snowfall scowled, "Until I fall in love and have some heirs."

*HUFF* The responsibilities of being Queen. Snowfall was beginning to really regret her life.

"Or until you have them again anyway, like you did this time."

"Okay! That's enough!" Snowfall shouted.

Lynx dashed out of the room before Snowfall could have her executed or something.

As Lynx disappeared down the hallway, Snowfall glared at her eggs. Finally, she shook her head. She sometimes had no idea why she'd let Lynx be her most trusted assistant.

But then a small warm smile rose on her face. Truth be told, Lynx was always faithful, always there when needed, if a not sometimes annoying. Perhaps that was the best she needed to ask for.

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