Luna and Swordtail's Eggs

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As Luna felt her stomach, eggs ready to be laid, she couldn't help but feel excitement about the dragonets inside, but also anxiety over what she was soon going to experience.

"Do you think I'll be okay?" Luna asked Swordtail.

"Huh?" Asked Swordtail, looking at her curiously from the butterfly he was watching.

"What if I can't bear it?" Luna continued. Luna had never been put on Misbehavior Way or been stung by any of the HiveWing toxin, but from what Cricket had told her, who'd both laid an egg, and been injected – by Carabid at that, the strongest of HiveWing toxin carriers – Laying an egg was supposedly much worse. The thought of being injected by HiveWing toxin had always made her nauseous, and she was glad to have been spared the experience on their journey (many others weaker than her hadn't), but if egg laying was worse, had she really been spared in the long run? And this was something approximately 50% of dragons were not spared. Of course, her children would be worth it, but she wasn't sure if existing as herself was worth it if the coming pain was as bad as she feared. Couldn't her children be born without the only dragon Luna could experience being having to go through such pain she didn't even care to imagine?

"If you can't bear it, don't worry about it," Swordtail replied, "You're going to finish laying the egg whether you can bear it or not, your inability to bear it is not going to mess it up from happening."

Luna wondered how Swordtail could make something such as unbearable pain sound so comforting. Must have ended up on Misbehavior Way too many times back in the days of Queen Wasp.

"I'm just anxious, that's all," Luna said. Closing her eyes, she breathed deeply, imagining all the tapestries she would make of her children. Unfortunately, though she knew that her children would be perfect for beautiful tapestries she had in mind, the very act of how they would come into the world was the kind of horrible angst her tapestries tried so hard to escape from, and though Luna's tapestries would escape from the tale that Luna was about to live through, she knew she herself would not.

Luna looked back toward her back legs, "You know how this is going to go, right?"

Swordtail went a little red, "Of course, that's how all eggs are laid, right?"

Luna blushed. Even being married to him, she still felt self-conscious sometimes that he knew so much about her that didn't apply to himself. It was strange knowing that the one closest to her was so physically the opposite. But somehow, she found it fitting, knowing that Swordtail knew these things about her and was so considerate about it made him all the more charming.

"Isn't it strange that our minds make the idea of the whole path toward having eggs seem so appealing, yet when it actually happens, it's so painful we want to cease existing as our own selves?"

Swordtail just shrugged, he really didn't know how it was going to be like for Luna, he could only wish her the best. He knew some pain you couldn't just grit through, but you could survive it. Swordtail didn't find that the most encouraging truth for Luna, but he didn't know how there was anything he could do.

Luna returned to her breathing, focusing on her kids, trying to relax. No point worrying about it now, it was going to go how it was going to go regardless of how she decided to handle it.

And then Luna felt the first of it. Here we go, she thought grimly. Luna felt that sense of gapingness growing inside her, that sense of, I want to get off, the need for her body to return to its state of normalcy where it belonged before her body reached a point that was too terrible to bear. But ready or not, her labor was here.

"Please don't make me go through this," she begged to Swordtail as the tightness grew in her, knowing full well there was nothing she could do. She imagined Cricket when she had laid her egg, when she had even gotten stung by Carabid, had she wanted to "get off" her body when all that happened, when Swordtail had been injected all those times he went to Misbehavior Way? She knew full well that they hadn't been able to, and she knew what she was about to face now, she would have to face it full on as well.

Wings of Fire Egg Laying One-ShotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz