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*Bruce and Clark have been together for three years*

The League have been tracking Mister Mxyzptlk, They found out Luthor recruited him. Bruce found out why. 

At The Watchtower

"Distract us?" The League said "Distract us how" Oliver asked. "My cousin Supergirl, encountered him once he wanted her to marry him, she defeated him by trapping him and herself in the fortress of solitude and putting it in self destruct but he stopped it and he faded back to his dimension" Clark stated "Luthor brought him back from his dimension to help him," Batman told them "Do we know where he is," Hal asked "Yes, but since he has magic powers like Constantine we should be careful, Hal and Barry your going in first to sweep the area, then Diana and Jonn you'll go in when they're done" Batman finished then Barry and Hall left, Diana and Jonn followed.
Aquaman and Cyborg stayed Batman walked to the control room and a huge metal door rolled up revealing the Batmobile before Bruce could head inside Clark sped in front of him, his cape flew back but his feet were glued on the floor "You should stay here" Clark stated knowing Bruce wouldn't back down easily throughout the three years Bruce has let Clark in and he got closer to Bruce then he was before they were dating and were just friends.

"This is not the time to be Protective, We have a lead on Lex and that is Mxyzptlk I'm going," Bruce said and walked around Clark "I'm not being protective I'm being...Reasonable" Clark turned to face Bruce, he shouldn't have said that. Bruce turned around and faced him "Reasonable" Bruce repeated "I put the four most capable heroes to find Mxyzptlk if something goes wrong I'll be there to back them up" he stated "I know but like you said Mxyzptlk has magic powers, I'll be there to back them up what if something goes wrong and we need you here" Clark protested, they didn't have much time but Bruce backed down "Fine" Bruce sighed "Be careful," he said, "Always" Clark responded he kissed Bruce and sped away.

Time Skip

When Superman got to the building he realized they were in their old Justice League headquarters. "Hello!" Superman shouted "Guys!.. Anyone there!" He tried again then he saw Hal, Barry, and Diana on the floor he rushed to them he scanned them nothing was wrong, their eyes were closed "Hey! Wake up" Superman shook them to wake them up but their eyes were still shut then he heard a crash he saw Jonn fighting...Nothing? "Jonn! There's nothing there!" Superman shouted again, Jonn turned around and saw Superman "Superman!, We have to defeat" Jonn turned around to fight again but nothing was there "him..." Jonn whispered, he stopped fighting he heard a ringing sound in his head he fell to his knees and screamed, Superman, rushed to him kneeling on one knee "Jonn!" Superman shouted once again "Jonn!" He tried again, the ringing stopped and Jonn fell but Superman catched him he sets him down on the floor "Jonn...What happened" Superman asked "it was...a trap...He's...going to attack...Batman" Jonn tried to say as he went unconscious.
As soon as he heard Bruce's name he put Jonn with the others and sped to the Watchtower. There was a hole in Watchtower he covered with his ice breath, He went in and looked everywhere but the tech wing he sped faster and saw Batman fighting Mxyzptlk he was shooting beams of magic at Batman but he kept dodging.

He sped to help but Mxyzptlk trapped Superman in a glass box "Not so fast Superman" Mxyzptlk said, he tried to smash it, and he used his laser eyes as well but it just bounced back and hit him he got up slowly, Batman still dodging until he got hit by magic and he was down as he heard Batman scream he tried harder to break the glass "Stop!" Superman shouted he felt like crying but he held it back, Batman was down and Mxyzptlk kept shooting beams at him instead of just watching and standing there.
Superman looked around the box to see if there was a scratch, dent, or anything to break this box he saw the top was slightly open he used his ice breath to cover it and he flew to punch it, it cracked open. Mxyzptlk saw Superman break out he stopped attacking Batman and disappeared before Superman could attack. Clark rushed to Bruce "B. Are you alright." he said "it hurts' Bruce groaned as he whispered "You have to take me to the watchtower, I sent a signal to Zatanna she will be there any second" Bruce whispered as Clark carried him.
Bruce was hurting this time he didn't argue. Clark sped to the medical bay, he saw Zatanna waiting for him "Zatanna, Please help him" Clark said "Put him on the table" Zatanna asked and he did. They saw ears slowly grow on his head "I think I know what Mxyzptlk did" Zattana took out her wand "Bruce this is going to hurt, Clark hold his hand" Clark did and he got tense when Zatanna shot beams of magic at Bruce this time it wasn't to harm him he started to relax and Bruce gripped his hand hard it indeed hurt. "What did Mxyzptlk do to him," Clark asked "When he shot magic at Bruce he was actually turning Bruce into an animal" Zatanna paused to let Clark process what she just said "What kind of animal," Clark asked he hopes it isn't a violent animal "A Cat," Zatanna told him, Clark smirked, Zatanna finished treating Bruce.

"I saw that smirk" Bruce whispered as he got up Clark helped him Zatanna gave him a small mirror, He saw ears on his head and checked his teeth he had two sharp ones but he didn't have a tail thank god but his nails were sharp "Zatanna will this fade," Bruce asked as he set down the mirror on the table "Yes in about...8 hours," Zatanna said
"At least I'm not dead, Thanks Zatanna gather up Cyborg and Hawkgirl and bring Diana and the rest back here," Bruce said, She left quickly she could feel the worry and anger from Clark. Clark waited until she was gone "At least your not dead?! I told you to stay where you were!" Clark started
"you said to stay in the watchtower and I did. I told you I should go with the team!" Bruce raised his voice "You knew this would happen" Clark asked "I trust my gut so yes" Bruce said, Clark sighed. Bruce moved closer he gripped Clark's shoulders "I'm fine... a little bit annoyed but fine" Bruce reassured him Clark wrapped his arms around Bruce's waist and pressed their heads together "I'm sorry, I should trust you and your "gut" more often, I'm still getting used to a partner who can fight for themselves, I just wanted to keep you safe...still do," Clark said.

"It's okay," Bruce said as he pulled away and wrapped his hands around Clark's neck "But today proved" Bruce hesitated "I do need help sometimes" Clark was surprised, Bruce glared at him for a moment "and you'll always worry about someone you care about because that's what makes you," Bruce said, Clark was speechless so he leaned and kissed him "I love you," Clark said "I love you, too," Bruce said.
Clark glanced at his ears, "I thought you would be madder about this" Clark petted his ears, Bruce smacked his hands away "Stop it! I wasn't because there is nothing I can do except wait but now you're teasing me" Bruce walked away to the hallway, and Clark only chucked "wait!...I'm sorry!" Clark sped to Bruce. He opened his chamber and pulled Clark in. They had a few minutes before the rest of team got here and Clark wasn't going to waste any time. 

The End

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