Superbat - Aftermath

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After Clark died, Bruce felt really guilty but there was also an enemy coming so he gathered people, and those people are called Justice League. They defeated Steppenwolf, When Clark came back he was still getting used to being back, he and Lois fell apart but still are good friends. 

5 PM

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5 PM

Bruce caught Joker for the millionth time, then he headed to dinner with Diana and Clark. Bruce didn't want to go but if he didn't they were going to drag him out of his cave. When he entered he saw Clark and Diana waiting.

"how long have you been waiting" Bruce ask them as they shook hands, They sat down and Bruce ordered a bottle of wine. 

"We only waited for a short time" Clark smiled, Diana subtly cleared her throat "so I thought Gotham didn't have any fancy restaurants, I thought they only had clubs" Both Clark and Diana chuckled Bruce smirked "I didn't know you had a sense of humor" Bruce took a sip of wine, Diana smirked. Clark felt left out, Diana and Bruce noticed "Clark how are you since you know I brought you back from the dead" Bruce smiled, of course, Clark smiled back, They stared at each other for a minute. Then Clark answered "uh, I wake up, go to work, patrol, and go to sleep, I'm still getting used to it but I'm doing all right" Clark took a sip of wine, a waitress came by "can I take your order" the trio looked at the menu "hey," Bruce said with a seductive smirk "can I get a dish of grilled bits of fish topped with melted butter" Bruce handed the menu to the waitress, Clark, and Diana didn't know what to order so they ordered what Bruce ordered. The waitress walked away, Bruce chuckled "What! we were overwhelmed" The trio for the first time laughed together and took sips of wine. "This wine is amazing, Can I buy it," Diana asked, Bruce grinned "yes you can but it's four hundred dollars" Diana and Clark almost choked from the wine "why does it cost this much" Clark asked "because wine is expensive but I don't really know why" Bruce said he was curious now "oh no I think we opened up a new mystery for Bruce to solve" Diana whispered to Clark, Bruce gave them a look of really guys. The waitress came with the orders, it smelled delicious, Bruce was sitting in the couch chair. Clark was eating, Bruce subtly looked at Diana that he and Clark needed to talk, Diana was worried that he had too much to drink but the wine wasn't that strong but she excused herself to go to the bathroom. Bruce got off his chair and sat next to Clark, Clark didn't know why he was changing seats, he stopped eating and faced Bruce "are you really alright Clark" Bruce gave Clark a worried look, Clark sighed "being back from the dead is different from facing villains I was dead for months now I'm back and I don't know how metropolis is not flooded with villains but it feels like I missed a part of my life and I don't know what to do about it" Clark finished talking "look I don't know what to tell you but that we needed you to defeat Steppenwolf and that when my parents died I was never the same but what I can also tell you is that over time I coped and grieved their death now look at me I'm a billionaire and I'm fighting along with a team" Both smiled at each other, Diana came back and sat down on the chair. Bruce switched their plates, Diana and Clark looked at him they had the same food after all "What no one touches my food" Bruce pointed at Clark and Diana to let them know, Both chuckled at Bruce, then they ate the rest of their food and talked some more.

20 Minutes Later

6 PM

"Well this was nice but I have to go, I do  have a city to watch over and I actually have a job other than saving people" Diana got up and waved bye to them. After Diana left, Bruce ordered the check. Bruce and Clark walked out, "You know Metropolis is known for the best ice cream, we should get some" Clark asked Bruce "and how do we get there because Metropolis is a little far" Bruce asked "Do you know how I always save you when your falling from the sky" Bruce stopped and gave him a look "No! no no no, you only use your powers to save people not for errands" Clark put his hand on Bruce's shoulder "Come on don't you want some ice cream" all Clark heard was a subtle grunt. "you're not going to let this go until I say yes, so let's go" Clark and Bruce went to an alleyway Clark was ready to pick up Bruce but he stopped Clark before he could "Not today" Clark was confused "then how am I going to carry you" Bruce turned Clark around and wrapped his arms around Clark's neck "like this now let's go" Clark blushed but flew away to Metropolis.

One Hour Later

Clark landed in an alleyway nearby the ice cream place, Bruce let go of Clark and fixes his suit "now where is this ice cream place" Bruce asked Clark, Clark led him to the ice cream place. When they entered it felt like they were in the 90s. "What do you recommend" Bruce asked, Clark was thinking "My favorite ice cream is Mint chip but their popular ice cream is Butter Pecan" all Clark heard was a grunt "Hi can I get two scoops of Mint Chip in a cone and for him can I get a con-" before Clark could say cone Bruce whispered cup  "oh uh can I get two scoops of Butter Pecan in a cup" then they went to the register Bruce was going to pay but Clark stopped him "I'll pay, that dinner looked expensive plus this I can afford" Clark smirked. They sat at a round table and ate their ice cream "How is your ice cream" Clark asked "I don't eat that much ice cream but this is good" Clark was surprised "oh...didn't you eat ice cream when you were a kid" Clark regretted he asked this, he remembered what happened to Bruce when he was a kid. "I did eat ice cream as a kid, too much I think but I'm getting back to doing things I liked before you know" Clark smiled "ok What's your favorite food" Bruce smirked knowing if he didn't answer all the questions Clark is going to ask he has to answer it later on "Food? What we ate earlier" Clarked hummed "What's your favorite food, kent" Bruce grinned "oh, I like many foods but I gotta say My Mom's homemade Spaghetti" Bruce scoffed he knew it was going to be something from Smallville "Okay Wayne, What is your Favorite activity other than fighting crime" Clark continued to eat his Ice Cream, all he heard was grunt "This is going to be really corny but talking to you and Diana" Bruce scoffed and shake his head and ate more of his Ice Cream. Clark was surprised by Bruce's answer he felt something, some kind of warmth, "oh that isn't corny that means you just care, which I'm glad you do" Bruce looked at Clark he felt something too, he felt flustered for the first time in a while "uh, um I'm done with my Ice Cream and looks like you are too, w-we can go for a walk I'm quite full" Both chuckled. Bruce threw away his cup, and Clark opened the door for him, He walked out, and Both of them subtly smirked. They walked to the park, Bruce couldn't remember when was the last time he was in a park, "Bruce, Are you alright" Bruce snapped out of his thoughts "Y-Yeah just been a long time since I've been in a park" Both smiled "The trees are different and the buildings are close to the park" Bruce touched the bushes, Clark smirked "Yeah when I came here I learned it's different from Smallville" Bruce hummed and nodded in agreement. They walked back to an alleyway, Clark picked up Bruce and flew to Gotham. 

7 PM 

When Clark got to Gotham it was already night, in Metropolis during this time the sun would go down. Clark landed outside the Wayne mansion. Before Clark sped away Bruce grabbed Clark's arm "um we should do this again" Bruce lets go of Clark, "Yeah, maybe you can show me around, Gotham" Both smiled and Clark sped away.

To be Continued...

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