Superbat - Worried

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7:00 AM

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7:00 AM

In Gotham

Bruce was busy in the Batcave he hasn't come out for a few days. Joker and Harley were planning to bomb 2 blocks of Gotham, Bruce knows what a bomb can do in Gotham and he couldn't find it. He was very frustrating but he kept looking for any clues. He took a shower and went on patrol to find any clues, Alfred was getting worried so he called the one person Bruce listens to.

8:00 AM

Alfred informed Clark about what was happening, Clark woke up and then flew  to find Bruce he was worried like Alfred. When he got to Gotham he looked everywhere for Bruce, and he finally found him he was going in circles in two blocks where the bomb is supposed to target. He noticed the sun just came out it's daytime already in Metropolis he forgot Gotham was different from Metropolis, he forgot Bruce was different from him. He should have remembered not to sneak up on Batman which caused him to get thrown a few feet in an alleyway, Bruce sighed.

"what are you doing here," Bruce asked Clark as he was getting up "why did you throw me," Clark asked "I'm on edge and I told you before not to sneak up on me!" Bruce raised his voice, Bruce didn't mean to yell he whispered sorry "it's alright, I know with Joker is threatening your city" Clark smiled, there it was that smile that made him feel better in an instant, He grappled to a skyscraper he knew Clark wouldn't leave him alone, he even brought coffee for him you could count on Clark for some company. "I know you dealt with joker many times but this time is different, Do you mind telling me why" Clark softly asked. He saw Bruce move from the sculpted animal head that the skyscraper had and move to the flat surface and sat down he joined him. Bruce glanced at Clark then his eyes were back at his city he placed the coffee down "since you're not going to leave and drop this I guess I'll tell you" Clark smiled "it's been 20 years Clark...20 years... I reconciled with all my family and now they're doing their thing, I'm not worried about them they can take care of themselves but I have still been fighting for Gotham, and you know the villains of Gotham they keep getting out and honestly" Bruce paused for a second "I want a break but I can't Gotham needs Batman they will always need Batman and I've been considering to ki...kill the villains" Clark was surprised but kept listening "People to this day keep debating to kill Joker and Penguin and all the others...and it'll all be over I've considered before I met you and Diana and the rest of the crew and honestly after Steppenwolf...I'm just tired of fighting with Joker I've fought Joker millions of times but I have to protect those people I found the neighborhood where it the bombs are targeted but I can't find the bombs it's been almost a week I'm running out of time and I...think I'm going to die trying to save those people" as soon as those words came out Clark had to speak up "No" Bruce looked at Clark "Look Bruce I know you're tired but take a break from fighting crime, Did you forget that you have a team that isn't your children, I know people said over the years just kill but I know that code of yours is sacred and breaking a rule or a code is the hardest thing to do but that's your choice but don't sacrifice your life because you're worn out... I'll admit Villians that keep returning is tiring at one point I was tired of fighting lex but I didn't want to die because of it because there's more than just fighting crime" Clark smiled, Bruce took off his mask they were in a tall skyscraper. Bruce and Clark looked at each other  "Thank you, Clark" and without realizing they were holding hands. Both of them panicked "oh! sorry" Both said at the same time. Bruce stared at his city again perhaps Clark was right I just need to take a break I  can't break the code I  swore to never break it i knows it will break me if i do kill Joker or any villain he felt a warm on his cheek oh no he was blushing it was obvious but he hid it but Clark he was full on red, Bruce tried not to chuckle or laugh but he smirked maybe there is more than just crime-fighting Bruce might die today trying to find the bombs he didn't care anymore Bruce got on top of Clark, Clark was surprised he wanted this since he met Bruce but bruce didn't know. Bruce placed his arms around Clark's neck, Clark holds tight to Bruce's waist they were still on an edge of a skyscraper Bruce smirked "why didn't you tell me you liked me since the beginning" Bruce kissed Clark, Clark kissed back the kiss turned passionate, both of them opened their mouths then deepen the kiss. Bruce was running out of air so he pulled back, Clark started kissing Bruce's neck Bruce let little moans come out then kissed Bruce again. Both of them pulled apart for air "I think we can continue this in your place" Clark said then Bruce placed his head against Clark's "Thank you for talking with me" Clark didn't expect it but he wrapped his hands around Bruce "of course" then they both heard a boom before he knew it Bruce was already off of him and grappled to a building. Clark rushed to him Bruce don't die on me...specially not now . Bruce finally found the bomb he was close to disarming it but Joker swang crowbar but missed "Oh Batsy, Nice of you to stop by" Joker laughed he swung again Batman dodged then punched Joker, Joker was getting up Batman was going to strike again but then he got hit on his back of his head he heard a laugh he knew it was Harley. He was getting up but Joker finally swung with the crowbar again and this time he didn't miss but Bruce didn't give up he got up Joker tried to kick him but Bruce dodged and struck him hard the Joker was down. Harley came behind him and tried to whack him with her bat but he stopped it and knocked her out. Bruce rushed to the Bomb he had a minute left he pried it open and found wires he cut the red one and stopped it.  Bruce was relieved, Clark came in and saw Bruce cuff Joker and Harley. "I thought you left," He asked "Not yet" Clark flew out to check on the block. When he got back he saw GCPD leaving with Joker and Harley. Bruce was examining the bomb after he was done he exited through the back door, Clark saw him then he heard clicking he tried to find where it was coming from, Bruce saw Clark above him in the sky "Clark?" Clark heard him, he shouted "Something is beeping" Bruce realized it was the bomb he immediately ran, Clark, realized why Bruce was running then you sped to Bruce he was far away but then the bomb went off and it threw Bruce to a wall when Clark got to him he kneeled down and put his face on his chest to listen to his hearbeat "Bruce! D-Don't die on me" Clark was on the verge of tears, Bruce opened his eyes "stop yelling, i-i'm fine..." Bruce said then groaned in pain "take me to the cave" Bruce asked, "we need to get you a hospital! you have three broken ribs!" Clark protested "Clark!" Bruce sighed "I've been through worse, you know I've been through worse" Clark sighed and flew him to the cave.

At the Cave

Bruce sat down at a medical table they had, Alfred treated him with Clark's assistance, Clark was rolling a bandage around his ribs, and Alfred left. "if we're going to be together you can't be worried for me on the field." Bruce told Clark, Clark didn't know why he acted like that Bruce has been through worse "Yeah I know you have been through worse but I'm always going to worry before we talked at the skyscraper I always worried but i-i don't know this time is different" Clark was finished Bruce grabbed Clark closer he put his arms around Clark's waist and He put his caressed Bruce's back "but I'm not the only that gets worried I worry for you all the time but that doesn't get in the way of you fighting lex or any other villains and I know it was just a bomb I don't want you to get in my way when I'm fighting" Bruce told Clark "I know that and i won't get in the way of fighting" Clark kissed Bruce "but I do want to ask, Can I take you to dinner" Clark asked Bruce, Bruce wasn't expecting this he hasn't gone in a date in a while "uh...When? Where?" Clark was thinking of a place "how about...John's diner.8 PM" Clark suggested, Bruce hasn't gone to one in a long time "Okay, pick me up at seven thirty" Both smiled then kissed. The kiss turned into a makeout session, Clark pulled away and moved his lips to Bruce's neck little moans came out from Bruce, "c-clark" Clark stopped and faced Bruce "I-I can stop" Bruce chuckled, Clark stepped away and helped Bruce get out of the table "no that's not it, let's continue after we go on that date" Bruce smiled, Clark never saw his smile before, Clark kissed him "Okay". Bruce went back to monitor Gotham and Clark went back to Metropolis.

The End

I want to write different fanfics, you can comment any requests >3

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