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The job I got in Paragon is going smoothly and the shift Riki gave me is the shift that not everyone would like, 6pm to 10 pm. That was supposed to be till 12 am but Riki declined and insisted I need sleep so I accepted it. Riki also placed me in the second floor duty as he knew about my background in the restaurant as a server.

Paragon actually is really an amazing bar because despite the loud music on the first floor, the upper deck or the VIP area is surrounded with sound proof glass panels so there are actually meetings happening in here. Makes me wonder, don't they have offices?

During my time here, I am actually given tips that covered my sister's school fees and I couldn't be happier because finally, the wage from the restaurant and the bar combined allowed me to bring my mother back to the doctor to be checked and unfortunately, her condition got worse. Because we brought her late to the hospital, the doctors immediately suggested for the quickest and with the highest survival rate kind of medication, operation.

The doctor told me that medication can be fine but it is too risky as we never know what will happen next. As soon as possible, she needs operation and when I saw the possible expenses, I almost fainted on how high it is. How can I afford this?

I can't ask for an advance because it will still not be enough and the doctors need me to schedule the operation. But I cannot schedule what I cannot pay because we need a down payment. I need a quick way to earn money but how?

Can I advance salary from Riki for a whole year? Or can I borrow?

I think he will understand, hopefully. Or Sunoo?

I dialed his number but immediately ended the call when I remembered how he told me last week about how his brother just got a major surgery because of his appendix I think.

It is 11pm when I am walking back home and the streets are so quiet it's creepy. Just then, I spotted a poster that immediately made me grab it because of the huge "looking for male recruits".

"Night Life"

I fist out my phone and dialed the number and a male responded.

"Night Life Club how may I help you?"

"Hey, I saw your poster and I would like to inquire on the job"

"you can come now, we can accommodate you"

I walked to the location for ten minutes and I went to the door marked "STAFF ONLY" as the man instructed me a while ago.

When I got there, I saw a man seated behind a desk with a paper on hand.

"Good evening sir, I was the one who called a while ago"

"Oh hey.  . welcome to Night Life . . I'm Song Wonseok and I am the manager of the club. Are you interested?"

"What is the job offer? It didn't really state in the flyer. I'm Jungwon"

"Judging from your appearance, you passed . . "


"Jungwon, this place is a place for male escorts. You know? People, male and female come here on their own will and pay for a night"

"Wait, your recruits here get paid for sex?"

"Precisely. . . so are you interested?"

"About the pay?"

"You get paid equally just like the others in here but costumers can also give you a tip. . . "

Last Friday night (EN- JayWon)Where stories live. Discover now