Russell's gasp was a mixture of shock and disbelief as he realized the true extent of the situation. My hand was steady as I drew the gun from my waistband and aimed it directly at Simone, who wore my mother's face. Each second was a battle, a constant reminder to myself that my mother was gone, that the woman in front of me was not her but an imposter wearing her skin.

"No, Joey. No," Russell cried out, his voice breaking with a blend of pleading and horror. The realization of my betrayal dawned on Simone's face, her expression shifting from confidence to shock.

I kept my gun trained on them, my resolve unwavering despite the tumult of emotions inside me. Slowly, I began to back away down the hallway, maintaining a safe distance while keeping them in my sights.

"Believe it or not, I am actually sorry for your loss," I said, my voice a mix of sincerity and bitterness. The words were as much for me as they were for Russell. The loss of my mother, the charade I had been forced to play, the decisions I had to make – it all weighed heavily on me.

As I retreated, my mind was racing with what needed to be done next. The revelation of my true identity had changed everything. The element of surprise was gone, and now, it was a race against time to outmaneuver Russell and Simone, to save my friends, and to put an end to the Primes' reign of terror. Every step I took was calculated, a tactical retreat to regroup and plan our next move. The hallway seemed to stretch endlessly, each step echoing the gravity of the situation. I knew that the actions I took in the next few moments would be critical to our survival and the success of our mission.

As I reached the junction of the connecting hall, I knew I had to act fast. Dropping the gun, I broke into a full sprint. The urgency of the moment propelled me forward, my mind acutely aware of the tracking device implanted in my head. I didn't have much time before Russell and his guards could pinpoint my location, but I only needed a few precious minutes to execute my plan. I swiftly pulled out a carabiner from my pocket, attaching it securely to a sturdy pipe running along the hallway. The metal clinked as I screwed the lock together, ensuring it was fastened tightly. My hands moved with practiced efficiency, betraying no hint of the fear and adrenaline coursing through me. Next to the door at the end of the hall, I located a series of switches. I flipped them one by one, each click a step closer to enacting my escape strategy. The switches were part of the ship's internal systems – controls that I had learned about during my time masquerading as Joseph.

With the switches activated, I turned my attention to the rope I carried. Wrapping it securely around my waist, I double-checked the knot, making sure it was both tight and reliable. The rope was my lifeline, a crucial element in the risky maneuver I was about to undertake. Every second counted as I prepared myself. The sound of my own heartbeat was loud in my ears, mingling with the distant shouts and commotion as Russell and his guards realized my escape. I took a deep breath, bracing myself for the next phase of my plan. The hallway felt like a narrow chute, a tunnel leading to an uncertain fate. But there was no turning back now. I had committed to this course of action, driven by the need to protect my friends and stop the Primes. It was a gamble, but one I had to take. With one last look down the corridor, ensuring that the way was clear, I steeled myself for what was to come. It was time to put everything on the line.

The guard's command to halt, accompanied by a gun aimed directly at me, was a stark interruption to my plan. I reached for the lever near me, my heart pounding in my chest. "That's far enough!" I yelled, my voice echoing in the hallway. "I set the inner door to stay open when I pull this. So you can put the guns down, or you can float."

Simone, seizing the moment, snatched a gun from one of the guards and stepped in front of me. "You heard him. Weapons down. Now," she ordered, her voice carrying a tone of authority that was all too familiar.

Inside My Head (Silent Moment Series: Book 6)Where stories live. Discover now