Chapter 26

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 "How?" I demanded, struggling to understand how he could have returned so quickly.

He replied with a condescending tone. "Come on, you're smarter than that. How do you think we're resurrected?" He moved closer, his confidence evident. "My mind drive backs up my consciousness. I can't die here in the mind space. But you? You're vulnerable unless the same anomaly that kept you here can resurrect you. You're playing for keeps."

His next words sent a chill down my spine. "I took a sedative about an hour ago, giving me the whole night to either kill you here or find the memory that shows me how to do it in the real world. Got a preference?"

The gravity of his words hit me like a ton of bricks. Joseph had the advantage of immortality in this mindscape, while I was fighting with the very real possibility of a permanent end. His access to my memories posed an even greater threat. If he discovered the key to my survival, it could mean the end of me, both here and in the physical world. I steeled myself, realizing the enormity of the challenge ahead. I was not just fighting for control over my body; I was fighting for my very existence. The stakes couldn't be higher, and I knew I had to be smarter, more strategic to outmaneuver Joseph. It was a battle of wits and will, and I was determined to come out on top.

Without a second thought, I turned and bolted in the opposite direction from Joseph. His declaration that he couldn't die in this mind space had only heightened the urgency of the situation. I refused to be an easy target, to stand still and accept defeat in this bizarre and perilous mindscape. As I ran, my mind raced with possible strategies. Joseph's advantage of immortality here was significant, but I was not without my own strengths. I knew this mindscape, this labyrinth of memories and constructs, better than he did. It was, after all, a manifestation of my own subconscious. The corridors and rooms blurred past me, each turn and doorway leading to different fragments of my life. I needed to use this environment to my advantage, to outmaneuver and outsmart Joseph. If I could keep moving, stay one step ahead, perhaps I could find a way to turn the tables. My breaths came in quick gasps, a physical reaction to the mental exertion of this chase. This was more than a physical run; it was a race for survival, a desperate bid to maintain my grip on my own consciousness. I knew that I couldn't keep running forever. Eventually, I would need to confront Joseph, to face him in a decisive showdown. But for now, my strategy was evasion, buying time to think, to plan. In this surreal game of cat and mouse, I was determined not to be caught.

Joseph's voice echoed through the corridors of my mind, his words a menacing reminder of the stakes at play. "Easy way or hard way, Kegan!" he shouted, his tone laced with a mix of frustration and confidence. "Either way, you die!"

His declaration sent a shiver down my spine, but it also fueled my determination to escape and survive. The sound of his voice, though distant, was a stark reminder that he was relentlessly pursuing me within this labyrinth of my own memories and subconscious. As I darted through the shifting landscape of my mind, his threat reverberated in my ears. The easy way, likely involving surrender and compliance, was not an option for me. The hard way, a path of resistance and struggle, was the only choice I was willing to accept. Each breath I took was heavy with resolve. I couldn't let Joseph's ominous words deter me. I needed to stay focused, agile, and resourceful. In this surreal chase, my mind was both my greatest asset and my battleground. I navigated the maze-like structure of my consciousness, turning corners and passing through doors that led to different moments of my past. The scenes around me were a blur, but my objective was clear – to evade Joseph, to survive, and to find a way to reclaim control of my body and my life. His words, though intended to intimidate, only served to strengthen my resolve. I was not just running away; I was tactically retreating, buying time to formulate a plan. In this high-stakes game of survival, I was not ready to concede defeat.

Inside My Head (Silent Moment Series: Book 6)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin