Chapter 13

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"You have the blood," the man uttered, his voice laced with disbelief.

"There he is!" Cassius' voice broke through the tension. The assailant took advantage of the moment, slicing the blade sideways and escaping. I tried to follow, but Russell grabbed my shoulder, stopping me.

"He's getting away!" I protested, my gaze fixed on the fleeing figure.

"It's okay," Russell assured calmly. "He won't get past the shield. We'll get him."

Cassius, meanwhile, had scooped Delilah into his arms. He glanced at my bleeding hand with concern before Russell issued quick orders to his guard, prioritizing security and medical attention. Russell then tore a piece of cloth from the sheet that had covered Delilah, pressing it against my wound. Guiding me to the greenhouse, we found Cillian already waiting with his medical bag.

"What was wrong with her?" I asked as Cillian started stitching my hand. "She couldn't move."

Russell sighed, "She couldn't. They used a paralytic drug derived from a beetle my son discovered long ago. It wears off in a few hours."

I hesitated before speaking, "I didn't know you had a son."

Russell's expression softened with a tinge of sadness. "He died in a fall six years ago."

The weight of his loss hung in the air, revealing a personal tragedy behind the leader's composed exterior. It was a poignant reminder of the fragility of life in this seemingly idyllic community.

As Cillian wrapped a fresh bandage around my hand, he questioned, "Your friend Murphy has red blood."

"Most people do," I replied, a hint of defensiveness in my voice.

Russell interjected, slicing his finger. "We're not most people, are we?" Blood dripped from his cut, revealing its royal nature. "We have the same blood, Kegan, royal blood. That's why they went after Delilah."

Before I could process this revelation, Miranda burst into the greenhouse, frantic. "The Children of Gabriel took my Rose!" Her voice was tinged with panic.

Russell remained calm amidst the turmoil. "We know they're still here. We'll search the entire compound."

Miranda's frustration boiled over. "How did they get inside?"

Russell maintained his composure. "The shield wasn't breached. They anticipated our move for the ship."

Suddenly, the sound of the ship rippled overhead. "They knew we'd lower the shield," Russell realized. "We have to assume they have Rose. Assemble a team now!"

Miranda's anguish was palpable as she confronted Russell. "Would you be so calm if it was your daughter?"

I exchanged a brief, understanding nod with Russell before heading back to the tavern. The walk back was heavy with thought. Sanctum was a place of deadly beauty and complex politics. Once back, I relayed everything to the group, the weight of the situation evident in my recounting.

"We know their founders on Eligius III were all nightbloods," I mumbled, pacing the room in deep thought. The weight of our situation was bearing down on me.

"And we know hereditarily, it's incredibly rare," my mother added, her voice laced with worry.

"Prince Kegan. Perfect," Murphy groaned, downing another shot, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Not perfect," Miller interjected, his expression serious. "It makes him a target."

His words struck a chord. "It does. Which is why we can't tell them about Madi...unless you already did?" I asked, my gaze turning to Jordan. "You already told her everything else."

Jordan looked pained. "I didn't tell her that," he promised earnestly. "I was just being friendly."

His eyes scanned the room, meeting each person's gaze. "I—I'm the reason they're throwing us out."

I gave him a nod, a mix of understanding and concern in my eyes. Before anyone could respond further, the doors swung open, halting our conversation mid-air. We all turned, bracing for what was coming next. Madi burst into the room, her face alight with excitement. "Kegan!" she exclaimed, running towards me.

Without hesitation, I swept her up into my arms, lifting her high as relief washed over me. I exchanged a grateful, knowing look with Bellamy – his silent acknowledgment was enough. Raven caught my eye, offering a supportive wink and a subtle thumbs-up. It was a small gesture, but it meant everything in that moment. The room's atmosphere shifted as the doors opened again, admitting Russell and Simone, flanked by stoic guards. A hush fell over us all, our collective attention drawn to them.

Russell began diplomatically, "It's been a long day, so I'll keep this short. Sanctum was created as a sanctuary, and after witnessing your bravery in saving Delilah, Kegan, we believe you deserve a chance here too."

I felt a cautious surge of hope but remained guarded. "You changed your mind? We can stay?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady.

Simone interjected firmly, "For now. But no more of your people. You will follow our rules and respect our traditions. We will teach you how to survive here."

Russell concluded with a polite smile, "What my wife means to say is, welcome to Sanctum."

His words were welcoming, yet there was an underlying tone of caution. We were being given a chance, but it was clear that this sanctuary came with strict terms. The gravity of Simone's conditions weighed heavily on me as I contemplated our uncertain future in this new, beautiful yet complex world.

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