Chapter 20

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Murphy, his voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and revulsion, broke the silence. "They've achieved immortality," he gasped, the words heavy with implication.

Jordan, his expression darkening with anger, sharply corrected him. "They're not just immortal. They're murderers. Delilah didn't have to die."

Joseph's interjection was cold, almost clinical. "It's not murder if they volunteer for it."

I grimaced internally. Joseph's cavalier attitude was doing me no favors. If I could ever reclaim my own identity, his words were sure to kindle more hatred towards me.

Jordan, his face twisted in disgust, retorted vehemently, "That boy in the video was petrified! Where do you see consent in his terror?"

Gaia, her voice seething with contempt, added another layer to the horror. "They've cloaked their heinous acts in the guise of religious sacrifice. Convincing people to willingly merge with the Primes. It's the same deceit that trapped Delilah's mother."

Joseph, seemingly detached from the emotional turmoil, casually wandered off to a desk, picking up an object before rejoining the group.

Murphy, his voice dripping with sarcasm, added to the cynicism. "Well, isn't that convenient. Disguising murder as faith. And we thought having children fight for the role of Commander was bad."

Bellamy, trying to maintain a semblance of control, interjected with a heavy sigh, "Enough, Murphy." He then turned to Joseph, his gaze piercing. "Kegan, are you really at peace with this?"

Joseph, his words measured, responded cautiously, "I didn't say I was at peace. I just don't think they're a threat to us, that's all."

I thought bitterly, well, not anymore. He doesn't have my memories to understand the full gravity of this situation.

Bellamy, his concern evident, pressed further. "But they are a threat to you, Joseph. You're a nightblood. And it seems clear now that our stay here is contingent on that fact alone."

Gaia, a look of realization crossing her face, expressed her worry. "Madi... She's in danger if they learn what she is."

Joseph, seizing the opportunity to act, quickly said, "I'll accompany you." He briskly walked past Bellamy, following Gaia out the door.

Bellamy called after them, his voice firm yet tinged with urgency, "Bring her back to the tavern. We need to decide on our next course of action."


Simone's tone was laced with both urgency and apprehension, hinting at the gravity of their clandestine meeting. "Meeting like this is a risk. What's gone wrong?" she probed Joseph with a concerned frown.

Joseph let out a deep, troubled sigh, his usual facade of control slipping slightly. "They've penetrated the lab's defenses. Our secrets are laid bare – they know everything," he confessed, a rare admission of vulnerability from him.

As I observed Russell and Simone's reaction, a hint of satisfaction crept into my silent vigil. They had always exuded an unshakeable smugness, and witnessing their composure falter was a small, albeit hollow, victory.

Russell's mind was racing, his question sharp and urgent. "Have they uncovered your true identity?"

"Not for the moment," Joseph replied, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "But that's a minor issue now. There's another nightblood among them, and possibly more."

Simone's confusion was evident, the term 'nightblood' foreign to her. "Nightblood?" she echoed, trying to grasp the significance.

"That's their term for it," Joseph clarified, a faint smirk playing on his lips despite the gravity of the situation. "And they may have several more like me."

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