Chapter 17

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 Trapped within my own body, I watched helplessly as Joseph, an AI, took over, erasing the essence of who I was. My reflection in the mirror was no longer mine, with the braids that Madi and I shared now gone, cut away by Joseph's vanity. It was more than just hair to me - it was a symbol of the bond I had with her, a bond that now seemed so distant and unreachable. I was a silent observer, screaming internally for control, but my screams echoed unheard in the void that separated my consciousness from Joseph's control. It felt like a nightmare from which I couldn't wake, where my physical self was no longer under my command, acting out a life that wasn't mine. Every interaction Joseph had with his parents was a cruel reminder of my entrapment. It was surreal, witnessing conversations and emotions that felt so foreign, yet being forced to experience them through a body that was once mine. My identity was slipping away, my autonomy violated, and all I could do was watch.

But even in this darkness, a flicker of hope remained. I refused to let Joseph completely extinguish who I was. The thought of Madi, our unbroken bond, fueled my determination to fight back, to reclaim my body from this unwelcome invader. This wasn't just a battle for control; it was a battle for my very soul. Anger, despair, resilience - my emotions were a tempest raging against the calm facade that Joseph presented to the world. I was fighting an internal war against the erasure of my identity, against the AI that sought to replace me. As I grappled with this existential crisis, my resolve to overcome and regain control never wavered. This struggle was about more than just physical autonomy. It was about preserving my memories, my relationships, and the core of who I am. In the face of this immense challenge, my spirit shone as a testament to the indomitable human will to persevere, to exist as oneself.

Kaylee strode into the room, her voice tinged with urgency. "It's late. What's the emergency?"

Russell faced her, his hand outstretched, revealing a collection of AIs. "Rose was killed, but Jade managed to return with your family," he said solemnly.

A wave of relief washed over Kaylee. "Oh thank God," she exclaimed, stepping forward to retrieve them.

Russell hesitated. "First, we need the truth from you."

Simone interjected with an accusation. "There's a rumor that you and your family were trying to escape in the Earth ship."

"That's absurd," Kaylee replied, her confusion evident. "Why would we run? And who's spreading these rumors?"

Joseph emerged from the shadows, his presence commanding. "That would be me."

Kaylee couldn't hide her surprise. Joseph always had a flair for dramatic entrances.

"You're taking the word of a stranger over mine?" she asked, clearly offended.

Joseph's tone was teasing, yet edged with sarcasm. "What's wrong, Lee-Lee? Don't you recognize your best friend?"

"Joseph?" Kaylee's voice was cautious, uncertain.

"Surprise," he said, a mischievous glint in his eye. "I heard you discovered my previous body after my unfortunate fall."

In response, Kaylee spoke in a language that was foreign yet strangely comprehensible. "Wǒ tīng shuō nǐ zài jìsì lín zhōng fāxiànle yǐ sā de shītǐ (I heard you found Isaac's body in the offering grove)."

Joseph replied in the same tongue, "Shì de, tā duì shèng suǒ de xīshēng shòudàole hǎopíng (Yes, his sacrifice to Sanctum was well-received)."

Kaylee snapped back, "Tā jué bù huì xīshēng zìjǐ (He would never sacrifice himself)!"

Simone, feeling left out, requested, "English, please."

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