Hiccup took this as a chance to lean his own fish on a stick closer to the fire. He hadn't eaten yet, so it wouldn't hurt to munch on some roasted bland fish for breakfast, hiccup mused to himself. “So you're not only a dragon who can turn into a human, but you can create fire.” he commented, which led to ace look at him before clearing his throat.

“I am fire.” the freckled male asserted, but hiccup doesn't buy that. At least until ace had suggested the boy to throw a rock at him. The brunette protested, worried the rock would hit his face and bruise, but did ace listen?

Ace shook his head, assuring the other he'd be fine. Finally, hiccup hesitantly picked up a rock and threw it at the other, only to gape at how the rock just literally went through his body. “See? I am fire.” he repeated with a grin and hiccup rolled his eyes, a smile forming up his lips and sit back down to continue roasting his food.

Not long, the two of them got to know each other. Ace finally got to learn the boy’s name, full name to be exact, and to hiccup, ace’s full name. The two of them having similarities they grew up in an island, and have fathers with highest authorities (in which cough, ace doesn't want to talk about the man he'd scowled internally until they got out of the topic.) and then hiccup’s race. They were vikings, but ace lied about himself being a sea traveller rather than a pirate. They chattered about the most randomest things, mostly ace, since he had the most interesting stories to tell. Starting off with a very annoying but lovable brother who wouldn't stop believing in achieving his dreams, ace's adventures out at the sea, his ridiculous pranks he pulled at his crew brothers, their marine enemies and meet his little brother once again who finally sailed out at sea with a good crew looking out for him, but all that and for some reason ace couldn't find the right time to explain he was a pirate, or everyone else, or even boast about how he's believed in luffy in becoming a pirate king someday. It just, had ace quietly stare at the fire munching on his fish. And not long their conversation died out, with them eating their food in silence.


“Wait- Where are you going?” the brunette called out in slight panic after ace had eaten his food and stood up. Fire now lit on branches that the freckled male had gathered from before. “To train.” he responded simply, stretching his arms to its limits unlike his rubber brother. This relieved hiccup. He had a friend now, and ace leaving so soon which he thought the freckled male was going to at first, seem like he was desperate not to let ace go. Call him a lonely coward but talking to ace made him feel warmth around him. Not because of the fire he emitted from well- himself, but because of his company, the goofy smile he wore and chuckles he let out whenever he ranted about his stories out at sea. Surprisigly, hiccup would find himself laughing along, gathering enough confidence to talk about his life stories as well.

This is what it felt like having a friend. He thought glumly.

Hiccup glanced back up and watched from behind, observing the other, he realized just now how ace had a tattoo, a purple skull shaped with a white moon on its supposed bone nose. That honestly fit on him if hiccup was honest. He also noticed ace's meaty and tall figure as a human. Not the type of meaty viking meaty, but he was skinny and bulky at the same time, like he had the perfect body figure sculpted by the gods themselves.

Hiccup blushed from embarrassment, embarrassed to stand, talk and sit alongside a man like ace while hiccup is just a fishbone compared to him. But the more he stared at ace, the more he slightly felt envious of how perfectly well his body build is.

The brunette frowned, not because of ace but because even his dragon as a human can prove he's perfect looking. And hiccup is just, hiccup, scrawny, awkward and timid. Useless, a klutz and a boy shunned out because of how futile things he does that leads to disasters. That isn't entirely it, he swears. His inventions just really go and activate at the wrong time, and it doesn't help that nobody would want to stand up for it, see and determine whether his invention really is something they shouldn't be called disastrous things. He hated how he was born like this, wimp, small with intelligence, yeah that's all it, intelligence and a kindhearted soul he is. The gods really hated him, he thought. He must have been switched. A kindhearted soul, swapped places with the viking spirited soul into a viking home than a rather better life. Yeah the theory might sound about crazy, considering there's a dragon turning to human kind of thing happening just right in front of him. It wouldn't hurt to think of impossible things now, right?

The Fire Fist, reincarnated. ONE PIECE X HTTYDWhere stories live. Discover now