Ch. 2

413 19 4

Guh, let's see if we can get to 4000 words this time in this chapter, also when you see the 火拳 sign, play the music above.

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"You know, I just happened to notice- The book had nothing on night furies!" hiccup gestured, holding a shield on his hand and a sword on his other. "Is there like another book or a sequel? May- Maybe like a night fury pamphlet-" a fire blasted just right beside the brunette before gobber was heard groaning. "Focus hiccup! You're not even trying!" he added, the aforementioned boy began running away from the dragon before the nadder had lost track of him in the maze.

"Today is all about attacks! Nadders are quick and light to their feet, your job is to be quicker and lighter!" gobber piped up while the nadder roars and shot her deadly spikes from her tail and towards fishlegs who managed to dodge it by his shield and screaming. "I'm really beginning to question your teaching methods!" the chubbier viking cried out, running from the nadder before she too lost track of him in the maze. "Look for it's blind spot, every dragon has one! Find it, hide in it and strike it!" the elder blonde continued.

"Ugh, do you ever bathe?" ruffnut questioned her brother after having sniffed him standing from beside. Offended by this, tuffnut avoided the question; "If you don't like it then get your own blind spot!" But ruffnut did not like that, "How about I give you one?!" and the twins bickered, headbutting each other, but not too hard to the point they'd pass out then glaring at one another before the nadder had growled impatient then blasted a fire in front of them and the two barely escaping unscathed out of the attack.

"Blind spot yes, deaf spot, eh not so much." gobber remarked, followed by a chuckle before hiccup stared back up at gobber. "So uh how would one sneak up on a night fury?" he questioned the elder, but he was quick to his answers. "No one's ever met one and lived to tell the tale, now GET IN THERE!!" he hollered, scaring hiccup, having him flinch backwards but he continued, "I- I know I know, but hypothetically..-" the brunette finally paused the moment astrid called out to him with a threatening glare meeting his eyes. Hiccup reluctantly followed the two, but thanking himself for such beefy arms he managed to fail sneaking by rolling his way from the nadder's sight. Alarmed, the dragon chased after hiccup but however it's attention shifted on both snotlout and astrid.

Snotlout proudly moved astrid over to get to the front to show off, his pride obviously taking over. "Watch out babe, I got this." he declared with pride, throwing the hammer at the nadder and miss horribly, which led her to growl in a snickering way. Astrid rolled her eyes and ran off, and snotlout began to excuse himself because of the sun getting into his eyes. Hiccup was found again talking to gobber.

".. Take the daytime off, like a cat? Has- Has anyone seen one napping? Or even play and summon fire from around it?" the brunette stuttered, while everything behind him gone in chaos. "Hiccup, dragons breathe fire." the elder blonde corrected, but hiccup shook his head. "No I mean, like, fire summoned from around it and- and from its body-"

"HICCUP!!" astrid hollered as the wall she stood atop fell and pinned the boy on the ground. Once the dust had cleared, the blonde girl had attempted to drag her axe off from the shield seeing it's sharp tip plunged onto the wood. "Ooh, love on the battlefield!" tuffnut cooed and ruffnut grinned, rolling her eyes. "She can do better."

"Let me- why- why don't you- ow!!" hiccup felt his stomach churn, as if he was stabbed because of astrid's knee before she got up. As soon as the nadder had began to rush over to the two, the angrier girl gasped before attempting to nudge the axe off and harshly this time but to no avail. Leaving her no choice, she dragged both her axe and shield stuck to it, stepping on hiccup's face in the process with a few 'ow' from the other and unknowingly hit the dragon by its blind spot (not quite), startling the blue nadder to give up and walk away from them.

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