Trapped With You; Prologue

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    "Haha! I've got you now!" You jump as two small arms wrap around you, a small yelp escaping you from the sudden voice. You look behind you, relieved to find your youngest sibling at your feet. "I demand... Hmm.... Hugs!" Rolling your eyes, you look over at them, swiftly turning as you speedily scoop them up. A chuckle rumbles from you as they yelp, startled from your sudden action.

   "The great Frisk? Demanding attention from me?" Gasping dramatically, you look straight into their honey amber eyes, "Who am I to have the honor of hugging you?" The chuckle that comes from them allows you to relax as they snuggle into you, finding warmth from your aura and body.

    "You're (YN)! (YN) (MN).. um.. We don't have last names..." A small pang of sadness takes over you, but you shake it off, giving Frisk an encouraging smile. "Anyways! You're (YN) (MN)... Blank! My oldest, 16 year old sissy!" You smile softly at Frisk, holding them close. Too bad you can't keep those happy moments forever.

    "(YN)!!" You jump, hiding the 5 year old within your hold, you hold them close, sheltering the young one. Footsteps come rushing to the kitchen you reside in. Listening closely, you determine who's coming and what mood they're in by the footsteps.

    Loud, but not stomping, a tap coming after every step, not a clack. They're not wearing shoes that have a clack or click heel, instead it's a tap. The footsteps are slightly rushed, but calculated, planned... The rushing isn't much, more of an intention behind them, but not quite important. The person seems to busy to be rushed, in thought or work-busy you can't tell.

    From the sound you can tell it's one of the adults. You listen closer. They're light, not extremely loud, but able to hear. Judging by the vibrations the sound gives off and how light it is, the person coming would be your.. mother.

    Forcefully relaxing your tense posture, you keep your back straight and shoulders high. Slouching isn't allowed for you. You force a relaxed and nonchalant smile onto your face, not for her, but so Frisk doesn't worry. Your grip on Frisk tightens slightly when the female scientist comes in.

    "Ah! There you are." Maranda looks down to the clipboard in her hands, writing something down. 'Probably keeping track of where she found me, like some sort of experiment...' Your teeth grind together as your jaw clenches, hatred filling you at the thought. 'Wouldn't be the first time.' You don't know why you hate her, okay, maybe you do, but you can't help it. You scan over Marandas' features in hatred and disgust, not wanting to be near your so called 'Mother.'

    Thankfully, she doesn't notice. Her green eyes  are too focused on the observations in front of her. You look over her wavy black hair, going to the freckles on her face. Her eyes are cold, holding only fascination for results in life. You've learned that ability. The ability to show no emotion with your eyes. It's needed in your life after all. Your (Color) eyes glass over, yet not in tears. Simply put, your eyes are sharp, calculated and cold, if it was possible, it looks as if you were looking into Marandas' very soul.

    Once she looks up, she notices Frisk in your arms, frowning subtly. She's never truly accepted the fact of Frisk wishing to be gender neutral. Your grip tightens further, pushing them closer to you.

    "Hello Frisk..." You notice their tense posture, nurturing instincts of yours trying to kick it. Your protective instincts are stronger though, especially with danger near, so, you settle for a small squeeze to Frisks' arm. They immediately relax, leaning fully against you. "I said-"

    "-They're asleep." A sharp glare is thrown your way, but you dare not falter. "It's super early if ya' haven't noticed." Despite your easygoing posture and expression, your tone manages to hold hint of threat. Daring the woman to try and wake your sibling. "Wouldn't want Frisk to... Y'know. Best if we allow 'em to sleep. Yeah?" A subtle glare is sent to Maranda, causing her to show slight surprise.

    You mentally facepalm as Maranda begins writing stuff down. Probably putting down your reaction... 'More tests... How exciting! Not..' After a few seconds, her pencil stops, gaze returning back to yours. You simply look away, annoyed.

    "(YN)," Snapping your eyes back to her, Maranda could've sworn your pupils slitted, even if for a second. "Me and Mike will be at the lab for a business trip in a week. We will be leaving you and your sisters," You grit your teeth, "alone for a few months. We're entrusting you to watch over yourself and the others." Maranda studies you as you relax further, seemingly content with not having the adults there. "This will be a test of your responsibility. If you fail, there will be consequences." A smile rises on her face as you visibly flinch.

    "Yes Mrs.Maranda. Assignment understood." Maranda nod, seemingly 'happy' with your cooperation. You quietly watch as she turns on her heels, nose stuck in her work as she walks away. A small shiver runs down your spine as she leaves, fear beginning to drown you as you think of your consequence. A sudden hand on your cheek causes you to flinch, eyes widening as your pupils shrink. 'Nononono! Please! I'll be good, I promise! Everything is ok! Please-'

    "Sissy?" You still, amber gold eyes finding and grounding yours back to reality. "It's okay sissy, we're okay." Frisks' heartbroken expression nearly causes you to break down, but you don't. You can't show them how bad you're truly hurting. Your vision blurs with tears, causing you to place a hand behind Frisks' head and pull them closer. Your simple act is mistaken as a hug for the small child, when in reality, you have to hide the tears that spill down your face.

    The feeling of being trapped in this life weighs down on your heart. It feels as if there's no escape.

    Words: 1015

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