Chapter Twelve

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Wednesday and Weems both watched the fire spread across the grass outside of the office window, their eyes wide. Wednesday narrowed her eyes. It seemed the cult was getting bolder and bolder with every passing day. Weems let out a shaky breath, and Wednesday turned to see her taking down her hair with trembling hands. Weems ran her fingers through her hair before sitting behind the desk and putting her head in her hands for a few moments. Wednesday pulled out her phone and sent a photo of the fiery trail of words to the group chat. Then, she turned at sat in the chair in front of Weems' desk. Wednesday still needed answers.

Weems sighed, putting her hair back up with practiced ease and taking a deep breath to compose herself. She opened her eyes and looked at Wednesday, and Wednesday didn't like the look on her face. Weems was worried, even more so than usual, but what was so unsettling was the fact that she wasn't bothering to hide it. Wednesday straightened in her seat, gesturing to the yearbook once more. Weems exhaled.

"The cult has been around for as long as the Nightshade society has. We don't know much about them, only that they have a handful of members, some of which are in positions of power within the town. They've had plots to destroy Nevermore for as long as its been around. There are rumors the Gates family started it, but they aren't confirmed. Almost nothing about the cult is."

There was the Gates family again. Something was off about them, and Wednesday was positive one or more of them or their extended family were alive. "All I know is this; the headmasters and headmistresses that came before me concealed all evidence of the cult aside from crushing whatever plan they had to destroy Nevermore. There has been one incident, and only one, during each different principal's time working at the school.

"This year was more extreme than most, but I thought almost nothing of it. I thought the bodies were unconnected, but I see now that everything is. I cannot help you, Wednesday. All I can tell you is that you should leave, and take Tyler with you. I know the two of you are at the center of this," Wednesday went to protest, not wanting Weems to know too much about their involvement, "Please don't insult my intelligence, Miss Addams. I know that you will not heed my warning, but at the very least, know this; if you decide to try and destroy this cult, you or someone close to you will most certainly die. This web is larger than this town. That's all I can offer you. Leave."

Wednesday nodded and headed out of the office, organizing the new information. Weems hadn't given her much; mostly things Wednesday already knew, but it was good to know the Gates were most certainly the head of this cult, or at least, this chapter. Larger than this town. Was there a multi-town coalition of anti-outcast hate groups? Just how large did this operation get? Was it multi-state? National, even? For now, Wednesday couldn't spend any time trying to determine the answers to those questions.

Wednesday needed to meet up with Tyler and Enid and discuss what their next moves were going to be. She wanted to do some more digging on the Gates family but doubted she'd find anything in the Nevermore library. Jericho had a small library, so she might be there next for both Crackstone and the Gates family. They had a few days of rest ahead of them since Wednesday figured the cult would let the fear-mongering of their big gesture linger for a few days. It was a good tactic for destabilizing the school; murders, turning Jericho against them and making them feel unsafe in town, then making them feel unsafe at Nevermore as well. Wednesday was almost impressed.

Tyler tugged on the bond, and Wednesday tugged back, heading up towards Ophelia hall. Enid was sitting on the steps leading up the building, her head in her hands. Wednesday approached, clearing her throat to announce her presence. Enid looked up and it was evident she'd been crying, but it didn't look to be out of sadness. Wednesday had a hard time determining what others were feeling in general, but the nuances of crying due to a myriad of emotions were the hardest for her by far. Was Enid crying out of happiness? Relief? Mirth? Wednesday couldn't tell.

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