Chapter One

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Wednesday glared at her parents disapprovingly as they canoodled in the backseat. Here they were, sending her off to her doom, and they couldn't keep their hands off each other. She didn't understand it; what was so special about physical contact? Skin was textured, hot, sticky, and wholly uncomfortable to touch and/or be in. The only place skin should be is peeled off one of her victims.

"Can the two of you restrain yourselves for two seconds? I don't want to vomit before we arrive at my temporary accommodations," Wednesday said, her tone and delivery flat but her eyes radiating disgust and barely tamped down the rage.

Why should she have to be exiled to her mother's legacy school? It was only a testicle, that boy was being unnecessarily dramatic. She should've had his tongue cut out. At the very least, Wednesday reasoned, that neanderthal wouldn't be procreating. And to think people said she was selfish! She'd clearly done the world a favor. Besides, the only one who should dole out punishment was Wednesday. This school was clearly torture, and Wednesday did the torturing, not the other way around. She sighed; it wasn't even the fun kind of torture.

"It's going to be a fresh start my little scorpion," her father's tone was far too chipper for the situation, "besides! This is where your mother and I," he turned to press a wet kiss to her cheek with a nauseating smack, "met! Perhaps you'll find your match here."

Wednesday barely suppressed a gag. Love. Wednesday had far more important things to focus on, and her priority was not a star-crossed gothic romance. No, that was her parent's thing, not hers. She wouldn't be staying at the school long enough for any variation of relationships to bloom anyway. The second she could she'd be on the first train back to her house with her novel in tow.

Her mother cleared her throat, and they met each other's eyes. Morticia was beautiful, the way a gothic architecture cathedral is beautiful. Haunting, dark, swathed in vampy colors with the same pale complexion Wednesday sported. Morticia had filled the halls of Nevermore with her larger-than-life presence and the Addams' knack for being good at literally everything. The shadow she cast was massive, and Wednesday had no interest in being bathed in it for the few weeks she'd be spending at the school.

Her mother's tone was soft and lilted musically. "Wednesday, you haven't even given the

school a fair chance. I'm confident you'll find a good friend, or even a group of friend's, at Nevermore. It's important for a young woman to have a sense of community."

Wednesday gave her mother her best deadpan stare. "I'd rather chew my own leg off than be associated with any of those blathering idiots."

Morticia sighed, turning to Gomez. "Darling, say something. Didn't you love Nevermore?"

Her father cleared his throat, tearing his eyes away from his wife's, the lovestruck look

he was always sporting was still present on his face. "Look, my little heart-eater. It may seem that Nevermore is filled with people inferior to us, and in a way, it is, however!" he exclaimed at a volume deeply inappropriate for the early hour, "you may find an equal among the chaff. It's important to keep an open mind, scorpion."

Wednesday rolled her eyes. An open mind? As if. Her mind was permanently closed when it came to all affairs related to that disgusting school.

As if in spite, the car pulled up to the gates of Nevermore. Wednesday looked resolutely out of the window, refusing to meet her eyes. At the very least, it was storming. Her mother made a throw-away comment about the weather which Wednesday pointedly ignored, although she secretly agreed. The weather was perfect. How unfortunate that such a beautiful day was wasted on this trip.

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