Chapter Four

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Wednesday opened her eyes to a forest clearing. Confused, she stood up, brushing loose leaves and twigs off her dress. When she looked down, it wasn't what she'd worn to bed. Instead of her typical nightgown, she was dressed in a collared, short-sleeved, black pin-striped dress. Her feet weren't bare but instead adorned with chunky black shoes that were not remotely built for this terrain. While the outfit wasn't something she'd be adverse to, it wasn't something she'd ever pick out for a regular day out; especially for a trip into the forest. Something was very wrong.

Wednesday looked around, trying to get her bearings. The clearing was completely empty, and there were no footprints surrounding her in any direction, so she was even more confused as to how she ended up there. Sighing, she tried to take inventory of what she had on her. Wednesday reached down to pull her knife from its thigh holster only to realize that it wasn't strapped to her leg. That was the most alarming thing she'd noticed thus far. She never, never, never went outside into public without a knife on her person. If she'd been doing an investigation she definitely would've had a knife, maybe even several. And where the hell was Tyler?

Suddenly, the faint sound of music echoed through the clearing, bouncing off the trees eerily. Wednesday turned to try and locate the source of the noise, but all that greeted her was the faraway glimmer of bright rainbow lights. She tried to place the type of music. Bright, loud, childish, melodic, and simple in nature. Was that... fair music? The music grew fainter and fainter, and to her shock, when she looked down, her feet were moving all on their own.

Thoroughly unsettled, Wednesday attempted to turn and walk back the way she came, but she was unable to. It was as if she was a spectator in her own body, unable to choose her movements and instead at the whims of whoever was, walking like a puppet on a string. Deciding to stick it out and see what happened (she couldn't do much else) Wednesday looked around, observing her surroundings as they passed by. The forest was dark and the trees reached for the oil-slick sky like fingers reaching out of a grave, spindly and curving across the heavens. It was cold, uncomfortably so. She began to shiver, nervous energy building within her. Wednesday took a deep breath, collecting herself. Once she got her hands on whoever had sent her here, she'd rip them limb from limb. She was Wednesday Addams. She was not going to die in some d-list horror movie forest chase scene.

Wednesday walked for another fifteen minutes or so, going deeper and deeper into the clutches of the woods. When her feet finally obeyed her again, she was standing in front of the ruins of a shack. The walls were decimated, and the floor was now completely dirt and leaves. It looked like a shoot-up spot, the floor littered with wrappers and cigarette butts, and the remains of small campfires dotted the ground with piles of charcoal and ash. Wednesday walked through the destroyed building, noting the scorch marks and the remains of charred wood walls through all the leaves and garbage. Something rustled in her peripheral vision; a flash of honey-blonde hair. Wednesday grabbed a large rock, whirling around.

"Who's there?" Wednesday schooled her face into a blank, deadly expression and evened her tone out into a dangerous monotone.

"Hello Wednesday." A woman stepped out from behind one of the crumbling walls, wearing a plain white collared dress and a simple pair of white sneakers. She wore no jewelry and her hair was kept in a high, serious bun. She was pale, almost see-through, and looked like she hadn't seen a decent meal in a few days. Beautiful, in a ghostlike way. Her voice was soft, and melodic, but strangely distant. It was as if she was speaking through a layer of glass. She was looking at Wednesday, but something about her expression was vacant as if she wasn't truly present.

When she stepped forward, her gait was strange. It lilted off the side before straightening back out as if she were drunk or lopsided. Her eyes were wide and looked even more unseeing than before. Wednesday looked at her suspiciously. Was she high? How did she know Wednesday's name?

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