Chapter Nine

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The moment the students had gotten off the bus back to Nevermore, Weems walked up and dragged Wednesday off by the wrist. The woman was incensed, her footsteps loud and her face twisted into an enraged scowl. Wednesday admired the pursing of her lips. Weems had the perfect expression; angry to the point of near tears. It suited her face quite well if you asked Wednesday. So well, in fact, that Wednesday wanted to do it over and over again until the woman accepted her defeat. There was nothing sweeter than watching your opponent's soul get crushed as they realize victory over you is impossible, and trying further is just humiliating themselves even more. Wednesday would enjoy seeing that expression on Weems' face.

Weems pulled her into the office and faced off against her, the two of them caught in a staring contest.

"I have dozens of angry phone calls from Jericho students, the sheriff, the mayor, and Nevermore alumni. They want answers and so do I." Weems' was speaking through gritted teeth, her voice dripping with venom. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her face was screwed up slightly as if she'd just smelled something unpleasant. Wednesday watched her impassively.

"I would spearhead the investigation, but I forgot my red string and thumbtacks at home."

"Do you think this is a game? We're nearing a full on war, and the least you could do as try and prevent that from happening even a smidgen more than you're doing now." A war? Weems had finally let something useful spill.

"What do you mean by war?"

"You know exactly what I mean, Wednesday. You don't think I've noticed you poking your nose where it shouldn't be? The Heretic's Fork are not people to be messed with, Wednesday. You're better off leaving them alone and letting us coexist in peace."

"Coexist? They want to eradicate all outcasts. How can you stand here and unveil a statue worshipping what I assume to be their idol in the town square? How can you rewrite history in such a blatant way?" Wednesday's voice shook with anger. So Weems knew about the supremacy group and hadn't thought to alert anyone. For what, fear of losing funding for the school?

"Because not everything is in black and white! They won't do anything to you or Tyler if you leave them alone. "

"I'm supposed to ignore the genocidal maniacs that have been threatening both mine and Tyler's lives?" Weems' eyes narrowed at Wednesday's admission of a threat.

"What do you mean by that?" Her voice was low and dangerous. Wednesday didn't trust Weems as far as she could throw her, especially not with this new information. Weems was aware of a normal-supremacist group, even without the knowledge of whatever bio-weapons they were forming, and had said nothing to anyone about it. Instead, she'd dressed up and had a little publicity stunt with the mayor who likely despised her behind closed doors. Disgusting.

Wednesday straightened and let her expression go slack.

"Nothing, Principal Weems. Nothing at all. Am I dismissed?" Wednesday's voice was completely monotone, but she was starting to get both angry and nervous. Someone was trying to replicate hydes, a hate group, a possible future resurrection, Rowan, Xavier, and now the looming threat of war? All with the murders still going on in the background? Just how many followers did the Heretic's Fork have? How large were their numbers, and how many of them had been transformed into those bastardized versions of hydes?

Weems glared at Wednesday distrustfully.

"You are exhausting. Dismissed." Wednesday walked towards the door but paused when Weems called out to her. "But Wednesday?" Wednesday turned. "I don't tire easily." Wednesday barely repressed a sneer at Weems' words and left the room, hoping to find Tyler and Enid and inform them of her findings. They had so much more material to discuss.

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