Chapter Three

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The library was gigantic, with three separate levels of shelves crammed with thousands of books. Lanterns hung from the roof, casting the entire massive room in soft yellow light. Mahogany shelving held different genres of books, each section labeled neatly with a plaque describing the genre and whichever letter the author's last name would correspond to. Small step stools were scattered around for the shorter level, and sliding ladders were anchored to a rail at the top for the higher levels.

Groups of chairs, pillows, and beanbags were set in each corner of the room and in the center of each wall. There was a towering, imposing desk right in front of the entrance with a redheaded woman sitting behind it, labeling and stamping some novel (Wednesday couldn't see exactly what the book was). The woman looked up at her, bright green eyes crinkling behind thick glasses as she smiled at Wednesday.

"Hi, how can I help you?" Her voice was charismatic, hypnotizing almost. It didn't affect Wednesday in the slightest.

"I'm looking for a book on visions for some personal research."

The woman eyed her with a carefully neutral expression, but Wednesday could tell she was trying to determine if the visions were a power of hers, instead of a personal curiosity. "It's background knowledge for the novel I'm writing." The lie slipped easily off Wednesday's tongue, and she felt the woman's gaze on her soften.

"We don't have many books on visions, as it's a rare and very secretive power. Some of the students have family members that experience visions, but their personal testimonies aren't available." The woman's last sentence intrigued Wednesday. Someone on the campus knew someone who had visions, and Wednesday was going to find out who. Not now, however. Now, she had to turn to the books. "Here we call them seers, but I would also check the religious section for mentions of prophets and the witchcraft section for psychics and fortune tellers."

Wednesday nodded offhandedly, about to turn to investigate when the woman addressed her again. Tedious. "You're Wednesday, right?" Wednesday nodded again. "It's great to meet you," the woman smiled. "I'm Professor Marilyn Thornhill, your carnivorous plants teacher. I'm excited to have such a focused and intellectual student in my class. I also happen to be the Ophelia hall dorm advisor, but I haven't had time to stop by your room and properly introduce myself. I'll be around later tonight!" Strangely, the way Marilyn phrased the last sentence sounded vaguely like a threat. Wednesday brushed the thought aside. Surely it was just the regular intimidation tactics all staff used (or attempted to use, in Wednesday's case) on students to keep them in line.

"I'm quite knowledgeable on carnivorous plants. My mother owns several." Wednesday said matter-of-factly. She turned and walked off without saying goodbye. Wednesday had things to look for, and she couldn't be sidetracked by any more meaningless small talk.

Wednesday trailed around the room until she found the section labeled 'Witchcraft', and hunted around for a subsection for psychics. Thankfully, the books were all facing outward and the titles were large and easy to read on the spines. She ruffled through each of the books, her thin fingers tracing across each of the spines before moving on. Wednesday heard a shuffling noise and looked up to see that Thing had followed her and managed to get into the bookshelf undetected.

"Hello. Could you look for a book on psychics or fortune tellers?" Thing nodded, in whatever way he could, and scampered off to look.

After a few minutes of searching, Thing tapped her hand and led her to a dark green novel titled 'The History of the Psychic'. Wednesday leafed through the book, reading the introductory rundown of the subsections of psychic work. She read the passage aloud to Thing, so he could also note all of the information she gathered should she forget anything (unlikely, but not impossible).

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