15. Beautiful Feelings.

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Jungkook slowly moves the cat aside to stand up. The truth was that the cat didn't hurt him, he was just surprised, but their blow was hurtful for real.

Not even half an hour and he already created an accident.

"Ouch?" He approached the blonde.

"Yes, auch!" She almost yelled, sobbing her forehead with her eyes scrunched.

"Ouch..." He repeated and, this time, it was obvious to her the way he pressed his lips together to don't laugh at her face.

"Don't you dare to laugh, and put ice here." She showed him her forehead raising her bangs.

"Okay, okay." He fought to don't laugh and went towards the kitchen's refrigerator to get some ice for the girl.

Even when she wanted to laugh about it, Lisa tried to maintain her serious look.

It was amusing because..., on the usual occasions, it was her the first one who breaks into laughs, meanwhile her unnies choose other types of reactions.

But Jungkook was almost like her.

In fact, aside from specific things, they were similar in terms of personality.

The guy went back with the ice bag in his hands, flipping it around like he had a basketball ball but stopped upon seeing Lisa's glare.

"It's not time for playing. Put it on me. Now!"

Oh, she's angry for real...

He nodded, pressing his lips together, and approached to move her bangs to the side delicately.

"Auch," she whined.

"Dramatic." He grinned, softly pressing the icebag on her forehead.

Lisa lightly punched his stomach. Of course, he didn't even budge but, nonetheless, he also complained.


Her annoyed eyes glared up at him.

"If I end up doing a comeback with a blue circle is going to be your fault.


"It's not dramatic! I wanted to go bangless this time!!"

Jungkook laughed once again and after pressing the bag for a few minutes, he moved back examining his work.

"Mhm... you're lucky, you don't have anything."

She moved back and fixed her bangs. Her forehead didn't hurt.

"Where's Bam?" She frowned, realizing the absence of the Doberman.

"He is not here, you didn't think I would bring him here, right?"

They slowly made their way towards the door, with Lisa trying to keep away the little kittens.


"Where's Love though?" Jungkook looked around, a little confused about why he wasn't there.

"He's out. Like... on the terrace."

Once they were inside Jungkook's car, Lisa started to wonder if it was a good idea. She had her mask and her cap on, everything necessary to don't be recognized. Her short and damaged hair was tied up in a bun so it wouldn't be seen, but she couldn't assure it won't happen... neither he could.

The chances of the paparazzi attacking them were really low... There was a contract in their favor, but you never know when a crazy fan could be close.

In The Sunset Where We Met | Liskook |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora