Hope stepped back before she grabbed her suitcase and got into the car. "I'm waiting on you, Jo."

Josie glared at her before walking over to the driver's seat and getting in, "you are one mean leprechaun, you hear me?"

"Okay, bigfoot."

Josie gasped as Hope broke into laughter, "Hey! My feet aren't that big! And I look way better than bigfoot."

Hope continued to laugh as Josie shook her head and drove out of their parking garage.

"Fine, you aren't bigfoot but you have to stop calling me offensive names."

"I don't know, you do make one cute leprechaun. Like a little stuffed animal though." Josie commented as she turned up the volume for the music.

"So, you think I'm a stuffed leprechaun?" Hope asked in offense. "Imagine what others think about me." She joked as she gasped.

—"They think you're perfect. Trust me, I should know."

"Hmm, I don't know if I should trust you so much. Maybe you can earn it."

Josie grinned, "Does that sex on the airplane thing still stand?"

"You wish."

"And you're known to be lucky, so give me luck and make my wish come true." Josie winked as Hope just rolled her eyes.


They had been standing there for 10 minutes now; hugging. Hope made a smart move when she decided to wake up and be ready 2 hours before her flight because she knew that Josie was going to do something like this.

But the hours were down and the minutes were up. Josie watched as Hope pulled away and she felt the soft lips of her wife's kiss her cheek as she turned away and disappeared into the hall of gate 8.

The brown haired girl tried her best not to cry but she couldn't just sit there and act like she was happy because she wasn't.

She wanted to scream from the rooftops and tell the whole world that things were going to be okay.

Hope leaving for Italy was just one prime example of them stepping into adulthood and Josie didn't like it one bit.

She hated the feeling.

Of course she wanted to grow up and get her own things and not depend on anyone but she didn't realize the big responsibility she would have to take on. She didn't even realize that adulthood had come into play with one snap of a finger.

She was married, she had a house, she was going to college and soon she would need to start her career. What was next, a baby?

But Josie couldn't blame anyone but herself. Besides, she was looking at things all in a bad way, what if things happened to go her way and it didn't turn out bad?

What ifs really sucked, and everybody knew that.


Josie made it back to her house and she was all alone in the empty place.

All she could think about was what Hope told her to do. Drink and have fun.

Hope knew that Josie wasn't the drinking person but Josie thought that maybe it would be fun. Maybe it would be nice. Maybe Hope had meaning in it.

So; Josie got up and she grabbed Hope's keys. She was on her way to her uncle; Tatum's house.

He always had something there after one of his late night hook ups.

Josie was hoping that he did. Drinking killed a feeling in you and only left one other. Josie was praying that the killed feeling would be how sad she felt.

Her hidden star (hosie version)Where stories live. Discover now