Chapter 35

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The meeting  ended not long after learning the bases whereabouts was in Great Yarmouth, set up by the beach to make it easier for boats to be accessed and used when needed. Everyone glancing towards Pidge when she mentioned over knowing how to reach the seaside. 

All of them agreeing to form and go over a plan tomorrow. Giving them the rest of the day to relax and take in everything they've been told so far. Romelle wanted the group to gain some sleep and get comfortable in the camp before they rush to make plans, battleplans and things turn serious. 

Hunk and Shay broke away from the rest of them with Masina. Both wanting to find other parents and their children's. Wanting Masina to have a chance to play with other children her age and innocently join in their games without fear over the undead or trouble following close by. Hunk also thought it'd be nice for his wife to make friends with other parents since he knew she sometimes got the parent blues. 

Nadia had offered to give them all a better tour but they all rejected. Waving as Ryan pulled an unsure Nadia away. Ina having just disappeared with Haxus and Romelle during their goodbyes. Leaving James and Allura self inviting themselves to follow along with the rest of the group. 

"Should we try to take a nap?" Lance asked as they all just wondered along the hallway, heading in the direction of the food hall. 

"Go ahead but I'm going to find somewhere more fun to do" Keith replied with a small frown as he glanced around the locker room they were entering, searching for any makeshift signs leading them towards anything useful or interesting. 

"I'm with Keith on this one. I don't want to risk falling asleep now and not able to sleep later on" Shiro sighed with an apologetic smile towards Lance as he'd normally vote for them all to rest up while it's safe. But since they'd be staying here for some, he wasn't going to risk ruining any form of sleeping pattern he still held. 

"Good point" Lance mumbled out with an agreeing nod. 

"I might try to find their library. See if they have any decent books left" Pidge perked up as she glanced towards a different set of double doors from the set that would lead them towards the food hall. 

"Books involving science or fun books?" Keith asked as he slowed down to a stop, raising an questionable eyebrow towards her. 

"Maybe science books are my fun books" Pidge defended with a pout as she stepped closer to the other doors. 

"And with that response we're not going to the library. No studying. Today we just relax and enjoy the peace" Lance announced with a heavy sigh, slumping his arm around her shoulders and leading her towards the doors they came from. 

"But-" Pidge started to whine before being cut off. 

"They're right. No work today" Shiro stated firmly, knowing what she was like. 

"You all suck" Pidge grumpily huffed back, puffing out her cheeks as she sulked a little. 

"Some gather inside the hall during the day. We sometimes play a film inside. Someone was able to get a protector working and one of the classrooms computers running with sonar panels. We only play a movie once a month, knowing better then to risk overusing the protector. But we leave board games and other things for people to pass the time with inside he assembly hall" James spoke up, trying to be a decent host to their latest guests and hoping to help them out a little. He still remembers what it was like to be the new guy, more so a soldier within a camp that's been hiding from infected for years. Getting use to the new life is hard and finding the small good points in life can make a huge difference. 

"Why don't we check it out. It might be fun" Shiro offered up to his friends, knowing that a single look into the assembly hall can't be overly bad. 

"If any of you can play a musical instruments then we hold a club for that as well. Normally for an hour every couple of days we hold a makeshift performance. Leaving people to play the musical instruments left in the school and for everyone else to dance to the tune or just listen to" Allura perked up with a bright smile, popping up right beside Lance and making him giving a startled glance towards her.

"I do know a bit of guitar but I haven't played since I was in school. I was just good at playing it during music class" Lance admitted with a shy smile, rubbing at his neck and nervously turning his head back towards Pidge. He was a silly teen who thought knowing how to play a guitar would get other's crushing on him or new friends. 

"Not a word but I do know how to play the violin" Keith begrudgingly confessed, glaring towards the other three shocked faces in his group and making it clear they weren't allowed to comment over it. 

"I don't remember how to play any musical instruments. Played a little for class but never picked anything up outside of the classroom. I don't remember how to play anymore either" Shiro replied with a small embarrassed smile, not really into music or anything like that. Helping to move the attention away from Keith before Lance really do foolishly tease him over it. 

"I can play the triangle?" Pidge awkwardly shot back, shrugging a little as she glanced sheepishly towards Allura and James. Gaining some chuckles from the rest over her trying to help out. 

"You'll have to play me something during your stay here. I've missed hearing the sounds of a guitar. We don't have anyone here who can play it" Allura demanded as she wrapped her arms around Lance's free ones, gaining his attention again and fluttering her eyelashes towards him. 

"I can also play the sound of stabbing" Pidge commented as glared towards the back of Allura's head. 

"Me too. Willing to give a display over my talents too" Keith offered up as he walked alongside Pidge, glaring towards Allura and ready to help his friend out with her murder plan. 

"Play nice" Shiro scolded like a worn out parent. 

"Our music club is rather.. small. We've got three people able to play. One on the piano, one with a trumpet and lastly the drums" James awkwardly tried carrying on with the topic and wondering if it was really a good idea to place their lives in this group's hands. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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