Chapter 10

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"You can't be serious" Keith deadpanned as he stared at the entrance of the underground train station. 

"There's a barricade along the road that would take up to where the stadium is. Meaning we've got no choice but to walk down these stairs and ramps before walking up the ones at the opposite end of the platform. It's the only way and well, inside should be safe since this was the route soldiers used beforehand" Pidge replied as she slipped the map into one of the pockets on Lance jacket knowing they'd just have to use the other exit within the station and pop up close to the stadium. 

"Yeah and maybe you've forgotten that we've got a bunch of infected running around somewhere meaning nowhere is safe anymore" Keith reminded like she was an suicidal idiot. 

"I don't like it anymore than you do but unless you want to slowly undo the barricade around the corner, And that could take HOURS! We have to go this way or we'll be sitting ducks for the infected to kill while Takashi flies away on his own" Pidge argued back, her hands on her hips as she glared towards Keith.

"This is crazy, it's a death wish if we enter that place how we are now. How do you expect us to even reach the underground platform and find the other exit while it's pitch dark inside. The soldiers used those huge flipping lamps (flood lights) but the generator isn't hooked up meaning we've got no light on our side" Keith grumbled back as he crossed his arm over his chest, glaring towards the first lot of stairs they'd have to walk down and not even able to see the bottom die to the sunlight mostly being blocked up by the tall buildings behind. 

"You think I don't know that but I don't hear you coming up with any better plans. It's either hope that the platform is still safe or undo the barricade that's stacked rather high and if we make the wrong move, it'd collapse on us meaning we'd have to work on it slowly. But hey, we'd just go with your none existence plan instead" Pidge snapped back in irritation as she glared towards Keith who gladly glared back.

"I'll lead us down. I've still got my scopes night vision remember. I can see in the dark and will just be your guide while your blind. I can also shoot any infected seen and well, if we're too outnumbered while helpless in the dark than I'd bring you both back out before we're in real danger" Lance finally spoke, glancing between the two who he's silently be listening to for the past few minutes. Flinching a little as they both glared towards him, clearly not happy with him interrupting their argument before both of them took a calming breath.

"It's the best bet we've got to take. I say we leave our lives in Lance hands for now while he leads us through the platform and out on the other side" Pidge sighed as she placed her hands on her hips, giving a small nod to Lance. 

"It's the only chance we've got now" Keith agreed as he stared at the floor. 

"Okay, I'll take lead. Pidge, walk behind me and hook a finger into my belt so you can step where I step. Keith, go behind Pidge and hook a finger into one of her belt hoops to follow where she walks. Use your free hand to try and help with leading Cosmo, I'll try and kick any bodies or objects out of the way once I see them through my scope, hopefully that'd stop anyone from tripping over. Ready?" Lance ordered back, a small smile on his face as he tried to seem reassuring since he knew emotions were running high. 

"Why can't I just hold one of your belt hoops too?" Pidge asked as she stared up at Lance who blinked for a moment.

"Because I'm wearing a belt" Lance simply answered.

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