Chapter 5

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Side Note: It doesn't really say was season of the year we're in by the nights get dark quick making me guess that it's either late Autumn or mid Winter. Hence it's nightish and dark in this chapter. 


Seven fifty Pm...

(Ten minutes before the last chapter)

"Hey, McClain, you having fun down there?" Shiro asked over the open radio, an amused grin on his lips as he flew his helicopter over the Isle of Dog.

"You can kiss my ass" Lance breathed back as he walked along the roof railings, patrolling as much as he can along the roof even when he couldn't see anything while it was growing darker and colder. 

The rest of the unit laughing over the reply, all of them feeling the same but not brave enough to openly voice it. The Delta unit was build over five members, Lance, Blaytz, Gyrgan, Trigel and Swirn. 

"This is the worst combat I ever saw" Blaytz whined over the coms as he leaned on the roof railings completely bored out of his mind. 

"Where's the combat?" Trigel asked in annoyance, staring up at the dark cloudy night sky. 

"I hear you" Swirn laughed in reply.

"Give me something to shoot already" Lance whispered yelled as he leaned his sniper on the railings, ready to mindlessly look through his scope again. 

"Too easy" Gyrgan grinned back from the roof beside the one Lance was posted on. 

"North-East of med centre, 20th floor, three windows in" Shiro reported in, holding back his laugh while he kept an evil smirk on his lips, moving to land his helicopter on one of the free roofs left of his landing. 

All snipers moved to look through their location over the scene Shiro pointed out to them. Wondering over what entertainment will humour them tonight.

"Fat guy jerking off in the toilet" Trigel replied unimpressed as the other's laughed, Trigel laughing as she heard Lance unamused and gutted groan over Shiro making his eyes land on such an awful sight.

"Oh, bug-nuts!" Blaytz cheered, already knowing who they were talking about before he found the pointed out window and seeing the guy in person knowing he was right. 

"Him again" Gyrgan muttered out amused. 

"I saw him yesterday too, during the day though" Blaytz happily replied, laughing afterwards as the guys became a regular joking point between him and Gyrgan. 

"I don't see him?" Swirn pouted as she couldn't see from the angle she stood on making her miss out on the fun. 

"You don't want too. Remember those chubby, sweaty dressed up Santa's that your parents wouldn't ever let you sit on their lap unless they were desperate enough to give you a meeting Santa experience. He's that guy, smokes forty packs a day and looks it too" Lance grumbled back, looking around with his scope to find something more nicer on the eyes. After all, he needed to burn his eyes after what Shiro trapped him into looking at just seconds ago.  

"Where is Fester Fucknut?" Swirn asked, wanting to see if she could spot him out tomorrow if he's made such an impression on the rest. 

"Urg, you all have issues that even the Zombies would find disgusting" Lance complained as he rolled his eyes 

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