Chapter 30

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"Mummy" Pidge urgently called out as she noticed the rest of their group sitting at the end of the second table within the dinning hall. 

"Dada" Lance happily called out as he speed walk towards the group. 

"Is something wrong?" Shiro asked with worry as he looked towards three, looking them over and finding nothing physical wrong. 

"Pee-Pee" Masina whined out with a pout, needing to go even more now. 

"Ah, I though your little bladder would kick in soon" Shay smiled sweetly towards her daughter, standing up and taking her from Pidge. 

"We've already asked about working bathrooms. Seems the only working ones are the ones in the A block and B block. It's the same building but the right half is the A block half and holds the women shared bathroom and the B block is the left half of the building with the men shared bathrooms. Marla comment over both bathrooms being at the end of the two staircases on each half of the building. So, I'll take Masina and head. Just got to find the bottoms of the stairs and I should also find the bathroom" Hunk smiled back to the others since his father side had kicked in after seeing Merla and Tavo again. Knowing what his little girl was like and made sure to learn over the important details. 

"Hurry Dada. It's gonna leak" Masina whimpered back as she did grabby hands towards Hunk who happily took her from his wife arms. 

"Will you be all right going with her by yourself?" Keith asked, concern in his eyes over Hunk simply going off on his own with Masina, both defenceless. 

"Yeah. Tavo mentioned that there's a walk way to the A and B block building. We just had to walk out of the glass doors beside the front office instead of walking through the fire doors that led to the offices by the front desk. I can find my way just fine with that bit of intel" Hunk answered with a friendly smile, giving a thankful nod towards Keith while shuffling his daughter to fit better in his hold when she slipped a little. 

"Remember to listen to your Dada and don't wonder off once your done. Wash your hands as well" Shay told her daughter with a serious look as she knew her daughter sometimes wondered off after going to the toilet. Of course, they've never a real working toilet since having her but their makeshifts toilets she use to hurry away from rather quickly. 

"I will mummy" Masina answered with a knowing nod.  

"Now, let's empty that bladder before you burst my O a'u mea uma" Hunk smiled to his daughter and started walking away, not wanting his daughter to wet herself when she's finally just had her first shower. 

"So, when did you decided to sneak off to find Pidge? Seems a bit creepy that you cornered her while she was looking after a mere child" Keith asked with a sly smirk as his gazed turning from Hunk retreating back towards where Lance and Pidge still stood at the end of the table. 

"Not a mere child, my innocent daughter" Shay corrected Keith as she sat back down again, Lance and Pidge taking some seats down. Pidge sitting opposite to Keith, stealing the corner seat with Shay beside her. Lance sitting between Shiro and Keith. 

"That makes me sound even more nasty and it wasn't like that at all" Lance sighed with a disapproving look on his face. 

"But last time we checked, you were about to get dressed. We left you behind in the changing room to have your own bit of privacy while dressing and you were meant to come meet up with us straight away. Yet, you ended up with Pidge who had slipped outside with Masina" Shiro replied, giving the facts as he helped Keith tease Lance a little. The two of them had been Plance shippers for some time, in fact, Shiro likes to think he was the original Plance shipper since their days in the camp and Keith had joined him in that since their travels together. 

20 Years Later (Plance)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن