Chapter 2

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20 Years Since the first Zombie appeared in England...

She watched as the plane landed swiftly without any problems, full of new recruits that would be living in the protected base. She kept her military radio clipped to her belt, wearing her own military trousers and boots that were slightly on the big side for her but she made do like any other survival would. 

But than again, a whole two years of living under military protection, being given an Major rank without even signing up under them and now the leading biology doctor. Making due with what you had was done by all across the country. 

Over the past twenty years, more and more countries got overran by the infected. But now, England was being cleared with the help of the American military who was sent over just over a couple years ago to make a single safe camp and slowly wipe out the zombies by cleaning up one city after the other. London was it's first target and it was completely, mostly. 

Her job was to check over the new recruits, get a scan over them and check for any signs of the virus or a cure that might work. But finding someone who's infected was much easier since they'd try ripping your guts out after two minutes of being infected and become a rather noticeable target for anyone to see. 

But thankfully, the last infected to come across anyone working in the base, soldier or survivor had been six months ago. 

London was mostly clear after all, within the next six months they might start letting people live in houses again. In the safe area's of course and a military patrol and makeshift wall would be around the housing area to stop any infected coming along and ruining the slow stepping stone for humanity in gaining their lives back. 

For now, these recruits that arrived today was the last lot, the safe camp could only hold so many and they already held 15.000 civilians, survivors and those sent over from other countries due to being on trips or holiday when the virus first hit. This was the last lot of group who'd volunteered to come over, mostly because they heard news of being able to start living in homes again and living a normal life like the virus never happened. Many wanted to carry on living in a fairy tale over it just being a bad dream. 

It wasn't the best welcoming for the recruits, soldiers with guns standing with their backs to the walls of the halls and windows. The air port had been taken back and cleaned up, certain exits chained up to leave on a few doors to enter or leave with. Slow the flow of so many entering points where a zombie could come wondering in, stopping so many open backs for the soldiers. This way, there was just the gateway from the plane and the main waiting area of the airport. 

Recruits would sit on the waiting chairs while the old hallway that lead to an dead end was set up as a check point, looking over them over and checking their vitals. 

The air port was safe but they couldn't promise to keep it safe until it was clear that all of the infection was wiped out completely. It's why they did the checks over as quick as they could, moved everyone to the train that lead to the base where it was fully safe for them all. 

And it was her job to make sure the recruits were safe and that everyone else would be safe if they entered the base too. 

She learnt to hate her reading habit within this single year of being pulled along to the military tune. 

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