Part 103: A two year wait

Start from the beginning

"Scorpius said you would be having lunch here. But that's not important," her father said quickly.

Lily felt a small bit of worry enter her. Was something wrong? Had something happened to Scorpius? Or her uncle even? "What's up?"

"You need to get down to St. Mungo's. Some healer just ran in to give me the message that Nicole Chapman has gone into labor, and is going to give birth," Harry told her.

Lily's eyes went wide, then she hurried to stand up. She looked at Brandon. "Sorry, but I've got to go. Apologize to the designers for me," she said in a hurry.

Brandon still spoke as she practically ran to the fireplace. "This is a perfect example on the need for phones when something suddenly comes up."

"Sure, whatever!" Lily said dismissively back.

Lily was sure she was going to wear out the floor of St. Mungo's with how much she paced around the waiting room. She had stayed with Mrs. Chapman until she'd been fully dilated, but was then ushered out by the healer, since only one person could stay with her, in this case her husband.

"Lily? What are you doing here?"

Lily stopped pacing and turned to see Lola. "What are you doing here?" Lily asked curiously.

Lola raised a brow. "I asked you that first."

Lily sighed. "Yeah, sorry. Duncan's mum went into labor today."

Lola smiled. "That's exciting. I'm just here for an interview as an introductory part of my training as a healer. I can't wait to really start next month."

Lily finally sat down. "How have things been going with you? The new place, the pregnancy?" She glanced over her friend's obviously pregnant belly. It wasn't all that big yet, but there was an obvious baby bump there, which was expected. She should be about four months through now.

Lola smiled a little bright as she sat down next to her. "Great actually. I'll be five months in a few weeks, and we'll finally get to see if it's a girl or boy."

"Have you thought of names yet?" Lily inquired.

"A few," Lola admitted. "Jace likes the name Michael for a boy, and Melody for a girl. I think they're both really pretty."

"How's Jace's parents?" Lily asked hesitantly. She was really glad her friend showed up. She didn't feel as nervous and fidgety now.

"Getting better," Lola said with a sigh. "I'm just happy that my parents are ok with it. Even my dad was excited when we said we'd find out the sex in a few weeks. He even offered to help set up a crib and things for us."

"That's good to hear," Lily replied. "How much do you have left to get the baby?"

"Not too much more," Lola answered. "My mum took me out and practically bought out the store on unisex baby clothes. She's even started on a baby blanket."

Lily raised a brow. "You mean your mum's making it?"

Lola nodded. "Yeah, it's a tradition on her side of the family. Her grandmother made hers, my grandmother made mine, and so on."

"Your grandmother made a lot of blankets considering how many kids your mum had," Lily joked.

Lola laughed as well. "Yeah, she actually made two for Patrick, because the twins accidently ripped his first one when they were really little."

Lily rolled her eyes and smiled. "Why am I not surprised to hear that."

Lola leaned back in her seat a little. "So, how have things been with you? Jace says that you've been busy with wedding dresses?"

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