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Sirius had decided that he couldn't sit by looking as if Harry's clothes from Dudley caused him personal harm and made him feel attacked. They did cause him harm and attack him.

"Remus get the bags we're going shopping" Sirius called out to him near the evening when Harry had just arrived.

Together the trio apparated to the nordics version of Diagon Alley which was stationed in Sweden where Norwegian, Finnish, and Danish witches and wizards came to shop. Sirius was determined to give Harry a whole new wardrobe.

Sirius stalked through children's stores in muggle and magical northern Sweden for so long that Remus held a sleeping Harry close against his chest. Being reminded of so many years ago when he held a new born Harry.

When they returned back home Sirius looked victorious and decided Harry needed a nice warm bubbly bath.

"Harry what do you say you take a little bath before bed?"

They almost saw fear flash through his eyes but didn't, Harry trusted Sirius. He was sure he wouldn't be like Vernon and push his head into boiling hot water.

Harry was carried upstairs by Sirius and Remus started on dinner amused.

Sirius poured up a bath with the perfect temperature of hot water and made sure to add bubbles.

Harry came walking in naked and touched the water cautiously when he felt the temperature was nice he hopped in happily.

Sirius smiled when he saw him happy but the smile diminished a little bit when he saw the scars on Harry's back.

"Harry where did those scars and wounds come from" he asked shakily fearing the answer

"Uncle Vernon, naughty children deserve punishment according to him and he didn't like my 'sass'"

"Right well I think we can agree Vernon is a fat ugly pig"

Harry laughed a little a smiled at Sirius.

Harry finally let himself be a proper child for the first time in a few years and splashed around and played in the water making himself a nice bubble beard and everything.

Sirius smiled softly all the while, once Harry got tired out Sirius handed him a towel and left the water to drain.

Sirius dressed Harry and together they went downstairs to Remus

"Perfect timing I just finished cooking" Remus turned around and gave Sirius a quick kiss.

They all sat at the table and ate and talked happily the atmosphere better than Harry had ever seen at a dinner table.

Near the end of dinner Harry started to grow tired again and dropped off the sleep his head resting softly on the table.

Sirius picked up Harry and went to put him to sleep. Considering the fact that Harry had been picked up on a whim his room wasn't exactly ready, so Sirius tucked him into his own bed that he and Remus slept on in the master bedroom.

Being that Harry already was in sleeping clothes he simply left the door cracked slightly and went back downstairs to help with the dishes.


When Harry woke up the next morning he was draped across both Remus and Sirius.

Sirius was snoring softly and Remus was laid face down in a pillow.

Harry scampered off and sat on the floor leaning on the bed for a while when Remus woke up.

"Morning cub" Remus said when he saw Harry rubbing his eyes absentmindedly. "Want some breakfast now?"

"Yes please" Harry said and stood up. Remus grabbed Harry by the hand and together they walked downstairs.

Harry's face contorted weirdly when he saw a house elf cleaning the entrance hallway. He hid behind Remus a bit who smiled. Remus picked up Harry and swung him around.

"That's one of the house elves they clean and cook when I don't. They're not going to hurt you, and if you ever need anything just call one of their names, that one right there is Nelly" Remus turned to point out the house elf "Nelly could you come over here"

"Oh yes Remus sir" Nelly came over "Who's be this?" She asked with her mangled house elf grammar.

"This is Harry, he lives here with Sirius and I now"

"Why hello Mr Harry sir"

Harry replied meekly and waved. Nelly smiled and when Remus dismissed her she went back to her cleaning.

Harry sat happily eating pancakes when Sirius came in the kitchen. He brightened up when he saw pancakes, said good morning took a few and sat down to eat.

"Today the rest of the Blacks are coming over for a family meeting"

"Which?" Remus asked

"Bella, Cissy, Dromy, Mother, Grandmother and father, and Bella is bringing Rodulphus also. I think Narcissa is leaving Draco with Lucius"

Remus nodded along and Sirius explained that those were his closest family members.

Sirius relationship with his mother was rocky at best considering the torture she put him through at the beginning before Sirius bargained his way out.

They all wandered off the get dressed and ready and a house elf cleaned the kitchen. The Blacks were coming for brunch at 11.30 and after wards talking until they wanted to bid their goodbye. It was currently 11.

They rushed around and at 11.26 they sat down on one of the sofas on the floo room.

Not a minute later Narcissa flooed in with her sisters and Rodulphus. They all said their greetings and waited for the rest to arrive.

Until the older Blacks arrived they were lounging around not caring too much about posture but when their Grandfather and Mother flooed in they sat straighter. The last to arrive was Walburga and once they were all there they went to the dining room to eat.

Harry sat quietly between Sirius and Narcissa looking at her in wonder.

"Hello little one" Narcissa looked down at him "what's your name?"

"Hadrian, Hadrian James Potter" Harry whispered shyly.

Narcissa gasped "Sirius you did it, you actually did it"

"What did he do Cissy" Bella looked up from her conversation with Grandmother.

"Harry" Narcissa said

"Yes I think it's best we explain that then" Sirius said "this is Harry you all already know who he is. And I was thinking we blood adopt him into the Black family"

The Blacks all seemed to agree and they would do it after the brunch.

Narcissa seemed okay with keeping Harry distracted seeing as Grandfather seemed to be scaring him.

"Sirius I always forget how cold it is up her in this Manor"

"Yes considering we're up north right now that is no bigger surprise"


"Okay pup this will hurt a bit but go away after a little bit" Sirius explained. "You need to put a little bit of blood in this"

Harry nodded and pricked his finger biting his lip. All the remaining people remove Rodulphus and Remus put in a drop of their blood also.

To do this type of blood adoption you needed the blood of at least five people within the same family.


When Harry woke up again after fainting he looked more like a Black. Rather than being rid of his Green eyes his left eye had turned the signature Black stormy Grey. He had more aristocratic facial features and was a bit taller already.

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