10| Kimani

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I felt at ease as I sat amidst the vibrant crowd at the 77th Clyde Anniversary Art Exhibition. The ambiance was a blend of excitement and anticipation, with the gentle hum of conversations and the soft music playing in the background creating an atmosphere that resonated with my artistic spirit.

I felt welcomed with open arms and it felt good.

Seated next to me was Tobi, his presence a comforting anchor in the sea of faces. I watched with a touch of pride as he engaged in conversations with fellow attendees, his charm and easy smile making him well-received by others. 

The night I informed Professor Van Buren that Tobi had offered to accompany me to the exhibition, my heart raced with apprehension. I was uncertain how he would react to this unexpected turn of events. However, to my surprise, Van Buren's response was anything but negative. He appeared genuinely pleased and even expressed a desire to spend time with Tobi. This unexpected reaction left me both relieved and curious about what lay ahead.

Van Buren occupied the seat across from me, fully engrossed in animated conversations with fellow artists and art collectors. His fervor for the world of art was palpable, radiating passion with every word.

Amidst the gathering, Meredith, his wife, made a graceful entrance into the conversation. Her striking beauty and youthful vitality drew my gaze and held it. It was evident that she, too, harbored a profound love for art, a shared passion that had undoubtedly strengthened the bond between them over the years.

I had heard so much about her, a successful fashion designer known for her innovative creations and her ability to seamlessly blend artistry with fashion. Her milestones in the fashion industry were nothing short of remarkable. 

Meredith had earned a reputation for pushing the boundaries of design, and her work had been featured in prestigious fashion magazines and worn by A-list celebrities. Her recent collaboration with a renowned luxury brand had garnered critical acclaim, further solidifying her status as a trailblazer in the fashion world.

As I looked around the table, my eyes fell on Professor Freeman Lancelot, a prominent figure in the art world and a distinguished professor at James Hallow University at Stowway. His gaze was low, a hint of seduction in his eyes as they lingered on me. It was no secret that Freeman had a reputation for being a charming and enigmatic personality, and a womanizer.

He was a man of mystery, surrounded by a cloud of intrigue and rumors. Some said he possessed an uncanny ability to acquire rare and priceless art pieces, while others whispered about his connections with secretive art societies. There were even tales of his involvement in high-stakes art heists that had left the authorities baffled.

An intriguing man indeed.

"Ms. Campbell, I hear you're applying for the Tony Walker art competition. How are you preparing?" He inquired, his gaze piercing as he fixed his attention on me.

Time seemed to slow as the weight of his question settled over me. My heart raced, and I felt a wave of unease wash over me. The table had fallen into an anticipatory silence, waiting for my response.

I hesitated, pondering my words carefully. The truth was, I had no recollection of signing up for the Tony Walker art competition. It was a name that sounded vaguely familiar, but the details eluded me. How could I have committed to something without remembering?

My mind raced to find a suitable response, something that wouldn't expose my confusion. I looked at Professor Van Buren, searching for any hint or guidance in his expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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