04 | Dallas

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Outside, the sun shun brighter than ever, a good sign to a new morning. The faint scent of aged leather and the remnants of cigars hung in the air, testament to the countless high-stake negotiations that had unfolded in this chamber.

I sat in a high-backed chair, my gaze fixed on the proposal spread out before me. This was no ordinary proposition; it was a fusion of fate and ambition that demanded my utmost attention.

The group across from me sought more than a partnership; they aimed to stake a claim in the empire I had meticulously built-Demetrius.

Their substantial financial offer danced on the precipice of my decision, a siren's call I couldn't ignore.

My thoughts wandered, tracing the steps that had birthed Demetrius. It wasn't just a business; it was the culmination of relentless ambition, a canvas where I had painted my dreams.

I remembered the days of rejection, each one a painful reminder of how ambitious I was. The world had doubted me, doubted my vision of becoming an art collector. I couldn't forget the laughter of my uncle Hernandez, who had dismissed my dream as foolishness.

He hated art.

To him, art was a frivolous pursuit, a waste of time and energy. But I had persevered, determined to prove my worth.

Now, I was an international art collector with an unparalleled taste. My art collection was more than just a symbol of success; it was a testament to the duality of my life. I was Dallas Ortega, the feared capo, and Demitri, the connoisseur who found solace in art.

The group's voices brought me back to the present, their words outlining their proposal. They sought to merge their resources and connections with Demetrius, believing our partnership could propel the company to even greater heights.

Needless to say, my interest was thoroughly piqued.

"What compels you to seek a role within my organization?" I inquired, my voice steady, my gaze unwavering.

The clients exchanged glances before one of them responded, their words measured and thoughtful.

"Having closely observed your business for a considerable period, we've been captivated by the remarkable growth and accomplishments it has achieved," he conveyed. "Our belief is that our combined resources and expertise possess the potential to elevate the trajectory of your company even further, a prospect that greatly intrigues us."

"Your art collections have left an indelible impression," the other client chimed in. "We recognize that our connections and acumen within the art world could contribute substantially to the expansion of this aspect of your enterprise."

I reclined in my chair, an air of contemplation enveloping me as I digested their responses.

Their insights held merit, yet I remained steadfast in my need for deeper understanding. "What, precisely, do you bring to the table?" I inquired, my tone retaining a poised curiosity.

They exchanged glances once more, followed by the initial client resuming the conversation.

"To begin, our network within the art world is expansive," he articulated. "This connection enables us to facilitate the acquisition of rare and invaluable pieces, while simultaneously establishing bonds with collectors and buyers whose interests align with your existing collections."

"Moreover," the second client interjected, "our shared experience in strategic planning and business development enables us to discern avenues of growth and progress. This proficiency empowers us to conceptualize strategies aimed at achieving these objectives."

I nodded approvingly, genuinely impressed by their offerings. "And in return for your investment, what stipulations do you anticipate?" I queried.

The clients reciprocated my nod with measured smiles, and the initial client expounded upon their intentions. "Our intention is to acquire a minority stake within the company," he elaborated. "We harbor no ambition to assert control or dominance; rather, our aspiration revolves around active involvement in critical decisions and a collaborative role in steering the company's evolution."

I sat there, weighing the potential advantages and implications.

"Your proposition is certainly intriguing," I acknowledged. "Allow me some time to deliberate and assess. I shall reach a verdict promptly."

Once they departed, my mind started churning, unraveling the threads of their proposal. It was an interesting proposal, with a good insight of my business.

Business, in its own realm, was vastly different from what people often perceived. The art world, too, wasn't the cakewalk some believed it to be. Both required their strategies, their moves, and their dedication.

I looked back to my early days, growing up in the tough streets of Colombia. Those slums were a harsh place to call home. I survived there, thanks my cousin, Sofia. She had shown me the world of art when I needed it the most. Despite our circumstances, she opened my eyes to colors, shapes, and stories that art could tell. She was the one who showed me what beauty could be.

But the path my life took wasn't all about art and dreams. My uncle was a man of the streets, a man of power. He had shown me a different world, one where strength and loyalty were the pillars of survival. The gang life was tough, unforgiving, but it was also where I found my place.

As I sat there, I realized that life had painted me with various shades. The juxtaposition of my roles, the businessman, the artist, and the capo, was what defined me. Each facet had a purpose, each decision carved my path.

I knew that whatever choice I made, I had to be smart. Just like in the world of art and the world of business, strategy was key.

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