02 | Dallas

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The night was wickedly cold. It was one of those cursed nights when the wind howled like a furious spirit, and the rain smacked the hood of my car with cruel intent. It wasn't just rain; it was a relentless barrage of icy water, seeping into every crevice, a constant reminder of the frigid world beyond the car's shelter.

I sat in the leather-clad interior, the faint scent of cigar smoke lingering. My piercing green eyes remained fixed on Marion, that damned rival casino that had sprung up just a block away from my prized establishment, Demeter. The rain painted shimmering streaks on the window, blurring the neon signs of the casino.

My fingers drummed impatiently on the steering wheel, but it wasn't just the rain that made me restless. It was the audacity of it all. Someone from my own gang, my inner circle, had plotted behind my back to construct this blatant insult to my turf. A bitter cocktail of anger and betrayal churned within me.

What had gone wrong in my meticulously built empire? And how could I have missed the whispers and the clandestine deals?

I needed answers, and I needed to send a clear message.

Amidst this relentless storm, I found myself reflecting on the man I had become: Dallas Ortega, the infamous green-eyed serpent of the Scorpioni cosca. My name sent shivers through Clyde's darkest corners, whispered in fearful tones.

The feared one.

I wasn't just feared; I was a living legend in this treacherous world. A man who had clawed his way up from the mean streets of Clyde, leaving a trail of shattered rivals, severed alliances, and blood-soaked hands. The very essence of my existence was woven from ruthless determination.

The empire I had meticulously built, the power I had ruthlessly amassed, all stood as a testament to my unfaltering brutality. Each brick of Demeter, each ounce of influence, had been earned through sweat, blood, and the inevitable betrayal of those who dared to cross me.

I rubbed my hands together, trying to shake off the chill that had crept beneath my skin. A deep breath drew in the icy air, mingling with the fire that smoldered within me.

"Boss, our men are in position," Luis, one of the few I trusted, stepped closer. His voice held a trace of unease, perhaps stemming from the intensity of the storm or the gravity of our mission.

"What's the plan?" he asked, eyes fixed on mine, searching for reassurance.

"We'll watch Marion like a hawk," I replied, my tone as cold as the rain outside. "I want to know every detail of their operations."

Luis nodded, his loyalty unwavering. "And if the Mariones try anything?"

A dangerous smile curled on my lips, hidden in the dimly lit car. "Make them wish they hadn't."

With a quick pat on his shoulder, Luis retreated into the dark and the relentless rain.

Leaning back in my seat, the freezing night air trickled through the slightly open window. Loyalty had been the bedrock of my reign, and now, the very foundations trembled beneath the weight of betrayal.

I clenched my fists, feeling the cold metal of the revolver hidden beneath my coat. I was feared, respected, and a phantom in the shadows. I couldn't, and I wouldn't, let this mockery stand.

Thoughts of vengeance and retribution swirled in my mind, an intoxicating brew, tempting and irresistible.

The night was cruel, an unforgiving journey through the abyss. But patience was my virtue. The day of reckoning approached, and when it arrived, every soul in this forsaken city would recognize the true puppeteer of this deadly game.

When I was done, no rat would dare cross my path again.

"I'll reduce it all to ashes."

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