Two Dacades Later

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20 Years Later:

Ariana look at herself through the mirror reflection in her room, "the only diffrence is my hair colour", she thought as she look directly at her dark brown hair instead of light brown hair.

She walk towards the nearby window to look out and see her new older sisters, Anna and Elsa, then her new friends, Olaf the living snowman, Kristoff the ice harvester with his partner, Sven the reindeer.

Out of nowhere a single tear escape her eye, "huh?", she whisper and quickly wipe the tear away, "I miss them so bad", she thought as she think of her old friends, "how are they're doing without me?", she asks herself.

Ariana not just miss her friends, but also her family, home and people.

"Are they even still be alive?", she thought and quickly shook her head, "what are you thinking Luna! It's your friends you're talking about here, of course they're alive! He will take the lead to keep everyone's safe".

But she hardly think the same way about Sunny and Issac.

Ariana may not know if she could ever be able to meet her husband again, but still she won't find another man in the world she's in now.

Ariana just sigh, and walk out of the room and join the others outside to enjoy the day.

On her way, she keep on her thought of her past life, "Zain", just thinking about him already remind her of her parents death, "I still have my powers even with this new life and reincarnation of this body", she thought, "I think it's best to keep it a secret in this universe, away from the world".

When she's arrive outside, she was greeted by her Arendellian family.

"Hey Ariana!", Anna called from distance.

Ariana look at her sister and smile before walk up to her and the others.

"Hey", she greeted back, "what do you guys want to do today?", she asks them.

"Well it's a nice day", Elsa said, "how about going to the town", she offered and they agreed.

The six of them go to the town and spend time there together until it's already night time. They all went back to the castle.

Kristoff went to the stables to feed Sven with Olaf accompanying him.

Meanwhile the sisters go have dinner together.

They busy talking until a vision hit Ariana causing a little gasp to escape.


She sees Olivia and Jayden fly up to the sky while wearing their armoured uniform and quickly go to Katherine who's riding her hybrid named Phirara, a black panther with white tiger stripes and black and white wings.

Olivia signalling Katherine on something that makes the mage urge the other sorcerers to fire a powerful magic blast towards the black armies they are currently fighting.

The dark armies forces themselves to retreat from the field, but they'll be back for another fight.


Ariana open her eyes and realizing she's back at the dining room with her sisters look at her with worry.

"Are you alright?", Anna asks her with worry.

Ariana just look at her, "yeah", she answered, "why wouldn't I be?", she asks.

"Because you just groan in pain", Elsa point out.

War Of Light And Dark Book 2 (Frozen Fanfic Crossover) Original StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz