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13 October 2018

Hansung had always heard hundreds of stories of his husband being a hot-headed cold teenager. 

Daeshin never missed a chance at spouting stories about him and his bad temper every now and then. Apparently, he had changed into a completely different person after Nayeon's death. 

There were times when Hansung wondered what Banshin would look like when he was actually mad. Not the cute anger that he always got, but the actual one that Daeshin always talked about. 

He didn't wonder anymore. 

Blood drained from his face at the utter rage radiating from Banshin's face. "Bannie..." he called out gently and the change in his expression was immediate and shocking, to say the least. All the rage went god-knows-where and was replaced by a fond expression in a snap.

He gestured for Hansung to step closer and Hansung wasn't a fool to not go. That kind of anger on Banshin's face reminded him of a certain someone and he didn't want his body or mind to react negatively again, but he knew he already hurt Banshin a lot until then by mistaking him for Jeongguk in all crucial moments. And he had vowed to himself that he wasn't going to hurt him anymore. 

He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around Banshin, bringing his face close to his chest. "Tell me...what's...happenin', please," he said. He didn't understand why Banshin looked so mad and why Jimin was explaining things that didn't need an explanation to Banshin. He did have a suspicion though, but he hoped he wasn't right about it. 

"It's nothing, I'm sorry. I won't ruin his birthday. You guys enjoy, I'll go to the bedroom and do some work," Banshin said and made to slowly get up, but Hansung stopped him. "Please don't bottle anything up. Tell me what's wrong. Please," he signed. 

Tears were starting to form in his eyes from all the tension around them and at the fact that something was seriously wrong with Banshin and Jimin, two people very close to him. 

Banshin heaved a heavy sigh and sat back. "It's his birthday today, baby. Let's not ruin it, yeah? I'm sorry I reacted that way, but let's talk about it tomorrow," he said. 

Hansung's lower lip trembled slightly, but he let it go and turned around, only to find Jimin and Jeongyeon gone from the room. He looked around in confusion until Junha informed him that they had gone out to take a little walk. 

Hansung showed him a thumbs up and turned back to Banshin. "You can tell me what's wrong now," he said when Junha left them alone as well. 

Banshin let out a long breath. "I'm just...it's just...I don't know, I find it hard to forgive him for not telling you about Jeongguk being alive. That fucker was in con-"

Hansung stopped him by placing his hand on his mouth. "Please don't call him names, Bannie," he said. 

"Sorry," Banshin mumbled and looked down, taking another deep breath before continuing. "What makes it worse is that he was in constant contact with you. He kept talking to you the whole time he went behind your back and helped your enemy get better!!

I don't regret the fact that that monster was alive, because you got to actually vent your frustration out, but at what cost? You see what mess we are in right now, right? Your right hand was already functioning limitedly and now I'm sure it got set back further.

Even earlier, when you were with that monster, Jimin knew literally every single thing that was happening to you and still chose to stay silent about it. If your situations were reversed and you knew that Jimin was going through everything that you went through, would you have stayed silent or helped him get out of his situation?! Just thinking about him makes my blood boil!!" 

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