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13 June 2017

"Yah, come oooooon!! Let's just hang out at the club!! You don't have to drink!!" Eunwoo whined. 

Jimin sighed and rolled his eyes before fixing Eunwoo with a stare that did nothing to waver Eunwoo, who had succeeded in making Jimin his friend in the past few months.

"Just come!! It's not like you have to go and wash the dishes after you go home, anyway!!" Eunwoo exclaimed.

Jimin sighed, having no proper excuse to give. He had taken to helping his aunt and his crush with his cousin's withdrawal in the past few months but thankfully, Jeongguk was finally done with it.

He still felt colder than others, still had tremors and seizures a few times, along with horrible anger management issues and mood swings, but he was past the worst phase. He was so much better that they didn't have to bind him to the bed anymore. He now lived with Jihyo and went to Jeongyeon's house only when Yoongi's family visited Jihyo.

It still wasn't pleasant to live with his constant mood swings, but it wasn't something intentional, so Jimin could live with it. His crush had trained him enough with self-defence that he could save himself and his aunt if it ever came to it. It thankfully never did and only succeeded in him falling harder for Jeongyeon, but that was beside the point.

"Fine, let's go. It's too early, though, don't you think?" Jimin asked. Eunwoo's eyes lit up at that. "Do you wanna go for a bowling match for a while, then?" he asked. He couldn't lose the opportunity to get closer to Jimin. For some reason he himself didn't know, he found Jimin really cool and very badly wanted to become good friends with him.

Jimin sighed and nodded. It wasn't like he had any other option. He knew Eunwoo would finally get his way with him. For some reason unknown to him, Eunwoo had earned a soft spot in his heart, but he would rather get caught dead before admitting it to him or to anyone else.

The bowling session was super fun, something Jimin wasn't ready to admit to Eunwoo, until one of his turns when Eunwoo called out to him from his seat, telling him that he had an unknown number video calling him.

Jimin frowned and asked him to ignore it before getting back to aim the ball at the pins, only to have Eunwoo inform him that he was getting the call again.

"Ignore it, I never get video calls," he said, his throat closing up as he finished the sentence in his mind, 'after the one person who always video-called me died.'

"But-" Eunwoo watched as the call rang for more than half a minute before ending, only to have the call come up again. He looked up at Jimin, who had now abandoned the ball and was approaching him to check out the caller.

"Huh, I really don't know this number," he mumbled before answering, only to freeze and have the phone fall from his hands along with his knees, which buckled and brought him down to the floor before Eunwoo could get to him in worry.

"Hey!! Are you okay?! Do you want me to report this person?!" Eunwoo asked frantically when tears started flowing down Jimin's face. Jimin didn't respond until Eunwoo picked his phone up and angrily asked the caller to leave Jimin alo-

"Stop!! Stop, stop!!" Jimin exclaimed and scrambled to snatch the phone from Eunwoo. 

"T-Taehyung hyung...." he cried as he turned the phone's screen back to himself. He took just one look at the tearful face of Taehyung before breaking down into loud wails that honestly had Eunwoo alarmed beyond his wits.

"Taehyung hyung.....h-hyung....o-oh god...oh my god, hyung....you-...you're alive," he cried. Eunwoo frowned, not understanding why exactly Jimin was crying so pathetically about someone being alive.

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