⎯⎯ 1 : the wish.

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A young brunette boy was looking outside of the TAPOPS infirmary.

He looked so guilty. But why did he feel guilty? Because he did something reckless at a mission with his friend's, and that mission was the most important mission that could've highered their rank's. Because of his recklesness, he ended up in the infirmary, not able to continue the mission with his friend's. He felt so guilty for slowing down his friends. He wished that he could turn back time and undo his mistakes. Maybe he should apologise to them later on.

"Boboiboy! Wey!" A robotic voice could be heard, waving and putting it's hands on the brunette boy's shoulder.

"Ah, ochobot! Sorry, i was thinking about something. What brings you here? I thought you needed to help the others?" Boboiboy asked.

"Didn't you remember? I said that i'll help you get better sooner so you can also do the mission!" Ochobot said, putting a wet towel on Boboiboy's wound, Boboiboy hissed a bit, but stoped.

"Oh yeah, thanks" Boboiboy smiled at his power sphere friend, giving the power sphere an unusual smile, not a happy one, not an angry or scary one, but rather a sad one, but ofcourse, Ochobot didn't quite catch it, it wasn't really good at quickly realising human emotion's, but atleast it tried it's best.

In return, Ochobot gave Boboiboy a sweet smile Boboiboy always find comforting.
"BOBOIBOYY!! GET ME AWAY FROM THAT EVIL MONSTER!" A young indian boy cried and screamed and tackled Boboiboy as soon as he got to the infirmary.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME? JARI BAYANG!" A humanoid alien boy walked in yelling at the indian boy, grabing and nearly squishing him with his shadow fingers.

"Guys! What in the galaxy are you guys doing!? Boboiboy is still hurt you dumbos! Stop yelling! It's making him stressed, you know that!!" A chinese girl wearing glasess scolded the boys.

A pink hijabi girl soon came in the room following the chinese girl "Calm down first Ying, Fang and Gopal, you guys know better then this." She said

"But Yayaa! This narcistic man is trying to kill me!" Gopal said, hiding behind Boboiboy's sick bed. Fang just clicked his tounge, not wanting to make the childish fight go on and on.

Boboiboy was just hearing his friends argue and chuckled at the sight.

"Ah! Boboiboy, how are you feeling now? Does the burn still hurt?" Ying asked, the brunette boy just slowly shake his head as a no.

"I'm glad, hope you get better soon." Fang added.

"Oh yeah! I brought my biscuits to make you feel better soon!" Yaya cheerfully grabbed her basket full of her biscuits, everyone in the room except Yaya froze up.

"Ah, you- you can just put t-those right there." Boboiboy stuttered his words remembering what those biscuits taste like.

"Oh! Okayy!" Yaya smiled and proceeds to put her deadly sweets on the coffee table next to the tv, far from Boboiboy.

"OH YEAH! By the way, we did it! We got to the final challenge and we passed! I'm finally Lance Corporal! Wohooo!" Gopal yelled out loud and started blabing and blabing stories about their mission, Fang and Ying kept telling the actual story if Gopal said anything very much untrue, Yaya added all the small details of their mission.

Boboiboy smiled at his friends. Ah, the guilt didn't leave yet, Gopal mentioning it wasn't a good thing to do.

He was wondering if his friends forgot or even forgive him for interfering the mission.

He felt so guilty, but his friends were happy, weren't they? He should be happy too.

Maybe he shouldn't even be in this conversation.
"I wish i was a different person. In a different world."

Those words came out of his mouth, a tear rolled down his cheek, he quickly wiped it of and muttered to himself

"It's just me in this room, what even am i thinking? I should be more grateful, stupid"

The infirmary suddenly turned cold.

Everything went black.

He fainted.
Good fudging night, i'm going to bed, i dont have anymore ideas, author OUT.
(Thank you sm for reading this, but i feel so sorry you had to read this, tysm ilysm muah muah).

Words ( included author note ) : 718 words.

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