Coming Back

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3rd Person POV

It's been three years and today was the day when Beam would return to the kingdom.

All the attendants and people living in the palace including the royalties were excited to see Beam.

And when the sound of drums alarmed the arrival of the Royal procession everyone rushed to the main gates. It was Ming who went along with the guards, horses and elephants to bring the special guests from the entrance of the kingdom.

Beam was sitting in a small carriage kept on an overly dressed elephant. Ming and Sura were on the horses surrounded by the guards. As the procession started people started showering flowers at it and smiling and chanting "Long live Prince Beam". Beam felt overwhelming. He had not done anything yet and still people gave him respect. He felt proud to be tied to Prince Forth and getting this honour. He promised himself to prove himself worthy of their love and affection.

Little did Beam know, he had inspired many girls and young boys to pursue knowledge. When people knew that the young Beam was a Prince it shocked them. Forth had gathered the people around the main city to tell them that his partner was a man not a woman. He also told people to get down from his crowned prince position if it bothers them. Sure. There was opposition to it as it was unheard of to be partners of the same gender but some people convinced the subjects that what a person does on the field makes him a protector and Forth was exactly what a great kingdom needed the most. It took two years and some people were still sceptical about it. But the support was more than the opposition.

As the procession reached the main gate of the palace, Beam got down, so did Sura and Ming.

Everyone was chanting Beam's name but the only person Beam's eyes were searching for and longing for was Prince Forth, his husband. And when he saw Forth, as if all the sounds around him started fading and now he could hear nothing but his own heartbeats which beat louder than the drums.

Had it been in Forth's hand, he would have run to hug his husband from the main door of the palace. But he was the crown prince. He battled his mind and heart to stay at one place and stopped himself from jumping on Beam.

The King and Queen along with Kit, Max and Tul escorted Beam inside the palace. Beam wied and paid respect to all the family members. He blushed when Forth looked at him with adoration.

"Pin Bim", a small boy holding the Queen and Tul's hand greeted Beam. The boy looked smaller version of Max's face with Tul's fair complexion. Beam didn't need time to notice that he was Max and Tul's son Ohm. Beam knew him through Forth's letter. Being the only baby in the palace, he was spoiled and loved. As Max was like her son, the Queen loved Ohm like her grandchild and not even the King could stop himself from accepting him as a  close family member. Besides being cute, the kid was intelligent and well mannered. And why not? He was always with the elegant queen most of the time.

A lot of time later, after greeting all the noblemen and courtiers it was the night time when the husbands met for real. During the lunch and dinner Beam was sitting beside the Queen on one side and Sura on other. He was sitting across his husband and the table was so big that he barely saw his husband's handsome face. Both the husbands were eagerly wishing to be with each other. 

Forth entered their chember, yes, their chember, his and Beam's. Beam had took a bath and was sitting on the bed, drying his hair. Forth closed the door behind and Beam ran towards him. With open arms, Forth waited there to engulf his love in his arms. Beam hugged his husband so tightly as if scared of leaving him. For a long period of time the hug didn't loose.

It was Forth who loosened his grip on Beam first. Taking him to sit on the bed. He made Beam sit in front of him. Looking at his beautiful yet handsome husband with attention. It was only now that he saw the tears soaked cheeks of Beam and realised that his condition was the same. Both of them cupped each others cheeks and Forth leaned very slowly till his lips captured the pink, plump and juicy lips of Beam. The gentleness of the kiss soon was replaced by hunger and dominance. Beam had his fists in Forth's hair while Forth's hands were roaming all around touching Beam's now well-built body.

Forth moved to Beam's cheek and ear and neck as he felt Beam struggling to breathe. Beam panted heavily as he leant on Forth's shoulder snuggling to his husband.

"I love you, Beam. My Beamie." Forth said to Beam as he kissed the crown of Beam's head. These were the first words that Forth said to Beam in the whole day. "I love you too, Phi." Beam reciprocated.

"I will never go away from you ever, even if it's you or the king or god himself tells me to be away from you. I'll go wherever you go. I'll never live a day without you till my last breath." Beam said as he hugged Forth tightly. Forth felt the wetness of Beam's tears on his chest. He patted his husband's back and reassured him saying, "I promise I'll give you whatever you ask for. I'll not think of its consequences. Even if I become the king in future, I'll be the slave of your words. Your words will be the final words."

"You promise?" Beam asked and Forth nodded. "I'll never object to whatever you say. But baby, I'll never listen to you if you tell me to go away from you."

"You can't take your words back ever, Phi. You have given me your word." Beam bargained still in Forth's arms.
"I would never." Forth assured.

"I missed you so much." Beam said as released the hug.
"I missed you too." Forth said, pulling Beam to sit on his lap.
"I'm not as light as I was three years ago, Phi. I'm a trained and well built man." Beam objected.

"Your husband is still stronger to hold you even after you become twice your size." He pulled Beam towards him and made him sit on his lap. "But I still miss that small and cute Beam too. The innocent kid who asked me to give you a baby after becoming a knowledgeable person."

"Phiiii." Beam whined and slapped him slightly on his chest. His face became crimson due to shyness. "It would be impossible considering the fact that I'm not like Tul. But I would not mind if you chose a woman to be the mother of your child." Beam said with a heavy heart. He was now mature enough to know how reproduction works.

"I don't need an heir to take the throne after me. I'll be choosing the most intelligent and stronger person as the next king after me." He smiled at Beam. "I know exactly what I have and what I want."

With said that, Forth pushed Beam on the bed unannounced earning a whimpering moan from Beam. Beam's hands were locked under Forth's strong grip as Forth devoured his husband's body.

After who knows how many rounds, Forth removed his limp tool out of Beam's pink entrance. Beam was too tired and may be passed out now as Forth cleaned him using a wet towel and changing the sheets.

Forth cuddled his husband and slept the most peaceful sleep in three years.


(A/N: I hope you like this chapter. It was in my mind for many days and as you can see it is another fluff chapter. I didn't write the adult scenes or in other words smut because I wanted to show the love between the two.

Request about MingKit MaxTul and their baby will be accepted. Tell me what you want to read next. )

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