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(A/N: Another fluff chapter. I love lovey-dovey ForthBeam!)

3rd Person POV

Finally, after six months Sura arrived at Jamurnhum Palace and Forth came as fast as possible to meet him.

Forth, was losing his patience as the formality of welcoming Sura was getting prolonged. He only wanted to hear about Beam. His Beam. Sura had promised to meet after every three months but he returned after six months.

Finally the King asked about Beam and Forth was all ears. Sura told everyone how intelligent of a student Beam was and that made Forth proud of his spouse. Everyone was astounded to know how fast Beam was catching up with everything. When Forth heard that Beam stopped eating non vegetarian food because he doesn't like to see anyone dying. That, Beam doesn't like to kill a life just to survive. This made Forth smile. His Beam was still innocent after learning the attacks and defends in sword and archery. Forth was feeling too proud to hear that Beam started learning the combat sports.

When everyone left, Sura called Forth and gave a letter to him written by Beam. Beam had written it after three months of his training period and then he added more to it before Sura left to Jamornhum.

Forth rushed to their chamber and sat on the bed. He opened the letter and smiled at the beautiful handwriting of Beam. He started reading the letter, which read as follows.

My husband,

I hope you are doing well. I like to train here but I miss you a lot. I still feel that it was your bad decision to let me go away from you.

Forth's eyes filled with water as he remembered how reluctant Beam was to go away from him. He wanted to stay but Forth forced him to go.

Life here is very different. They say learning is like this only. You have to stay away from your family to get stronger. But staying away from you is only making me weaker by heart. You are my strength and only the thought that I'll get to see you only after finishing my training is helping me to keep going on.

I don't get time to paint here but I learnt cooking. The food here is very different from what we eat at palace. I miss Khun Mae's cooking a lot.

Forth laughed at Beam's whining. He was in his earlier days of his training so it was only natural for him to complain more and miss his family.

I miss Khun Kit too. Can you tell him I miss him? And Tul too. Has the baby come out of his stomach? I still wonder how did Tul eat that baby.

Forth laughed at his innocent husband. Forth made a note to take away Beam's innocence and teach him some dirty stuff when he returns.

Khun Forth,

I have completed six months training and now I am a strong man. I can lift two buckets filled with water for the whole time without getting tired.

Froth felt irritated. He wished Beam could just stay like the queen he is and doesn't have to lift even his finger for any work. But who he was kidding? Beam was born for a reason and the training was his key to achieve his goal. To avenge his parent's murder.

I stopped eating animals. I saw how miserable they look when we kill them. The fear of death in their eyes scares me. I don't want to kill any animal to survive. So I am eating vegetables, roots and fruits now. That's good for health too. Master Sura says how can I kill the King if I cannot even kill a chicken?

Forth could imagine Beam's face with a cute pout and his whining sound.

I also have learnt archery. My skills are getting better. That's what Master Sura says. I have made friends here. There are many boys who joined the training with me here, but I am friends with Mean, Zee, Mew. They are older boys. I am friends with them because I am very intelligent and now I am ahead of those who joined with me.

Forth felt how proud Beam have felt while writing this. But at the same time he felt nervous and insecure when he read about Beam's new friends. A little bit possessive too. But he couldn't do anything. He trusts Beam and he knows that Beam loves him.

They say I am like their younger brother that they don't have.

All worries Forth had flew away from the window as he read the word 'brother'.

I wish this one and half year should go away quickly. I miss you.

Your Beam.

Forth read the ending and held the letter closer to his chest as if he was hugging his Beam.

Late at the night, he wrote a letter for Beam and gave it to Sura.

Forth wanted to follow Sura and meet Beam but before he could escape he was caught by his father.




When Sura returned to the training camp, he observed Beam who was training with other students. At the night he gave Beam the letter given by Forth.

Beam's heart started beating fast as he got the letter. His Phis were teasing him a lot so he ran outside and sat under a tree to read the letter in the moonlight. There was a box along with the letter which he kept aside to read the letter.

My dear Love,

My Beam,

Beam just imagined his name in Forth's deep voice and felt tingles.

I miss you too my love. I am rooting for you. Please learn everything with dedication and focus. I may not write as you did but I want to say that I love you and I miss you a lot. But make our love your strength not weakness. Study hard for both of us.

Everyone misses you here. Khun Tul has given birth to a beautiful and sweet boy. Khun Mae has made herself busy with the care of the kid.

I just wish that you should have something that belongs to me because I have your paintings and all your things so that I still feel your presence here. I have sent my ring along with this letter. Ask Khun Sura to give it to you.

Beam looked at the box. He opened it and found Forth's ring. He knows Forth wears that ring in his last finger. But since Forth's hand was bigger than his he wore the ring in his first finger. It fitted him well.

I read that you don't like to kill innocent animals. But baby,...

When Beam read the word baby, he felt the tingles in his stomach.

But baby, the people you are going to avenge are not innocent like those animals. The King of Vognviphan killed your father to take the throne. He has killed many innocent people including women and new born for something which he calls justice. Don't hesitate to kill the bad people.

Beam decided to be strong and be brave to avenge his parent's death.

And if it's your decision to eat only vegetables I will follow it too. I have already started eating it because I don't want you to feel left out.

Beam felt like hugging Forth right at that moment. Many trainees were teasing him for eating vegetables. But he didn't tell it to Forth. He wanted to cry so badly as the emotions were too overwhelming for him.

Your brother, Prince Phana is also with us now. Father is gathering some army and making allaince with some other kingdoms too for the future war. Khun Kit is not yet ready to accept the truth. I hope he understands it soon. Ming is trying his best but everything is up to Khun Kit.

Be strong and tough. These days will pass soon too. Last but not the least. Please burn this letter after reading. I have made another copy of it for you to cherish it in future.

Beam shook his head in no. He doesn't want to burn the letter.

If you love me, please do as I told. Do you love me baby?

Beam nodded in yes with tears in his eyes. He hugged the letter tightly to his chest.

The last line of the letter said, your loving husband, Your Phi Forth.

With a heavy heart Beam went to his room. But not before keeping the letter gently in the fire and sitting in front of it till it was destroyed completely.


(A/N: Hope you like it.)

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