chapter four

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━━ CHAPTER FOUR / the toaster incident

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━━ CHAPTER FOUR / the toaster incident

It was a quiet evening on 35 Portland Row. George had been reading in his room for most of the day. Demi was in the library and when she finally lifted her head out of her book, she had seen him rush down to the kitchen for a snack.

She was sitting sideways on the armchair across from Anthony. Her feet dangled over the arm, dangerously close to the circular table that sat between the two. And she had had her book above her head to read. But it was quickly making her arms numb so she eventually dropped the book against her chest and closed her eyes. The exhaustion was heavy in her bones this late in the evening. The natural lull she felt which usually meant she went to sleep.

But she didn't want to. Her head tilted and she watched Anthony for a few minutes. Lockwood had been sitting in the other armchair just as long as Demi had. He was reading the gossip columns. It was his way to unwind which Demi did her best not to judge. But it was amusing to her. He was an arrogant prick and he hated society with a burning passion yet he still read about what all the rich did. It was cute.

She slid further down into the armchair. Her gaze moved from the boy in the chair to the ceiling and she let her eyes fall closed. She told herself that she was only resting her eyes but the better part of her knew that she would fall asleep like this if Lockwood let her.

But before she could get truly comfortable, she heard footsteps on the stairs outside the room. The familiar creak which meant George was coming up from the kitchen. Then she felt a sudden heavy weight on her stomach and the wind was knocked out of her, breath rushing out of her cheeks. The object knocked against her legs before landing on her stomach and probably left a bruise.

"Fix it." Demi opened her eyes to look at George and then... the toaster that he had dropped onto her stomach. She glared at him, "I wanted toast but it stopped working." The hangry annoyed look in his eyes was hard to ignore. So, rather than arguing, Demi stood up. She brushed the crumbs that had skittered across her t-shirt to the floor - much to Anthony's dismay - before she followed George back down to the kitchen.

Demi placed the toaster on the side but rather than speaking to George, she grabbed a pen from the middle of the table and wrote 'dickhead' in bold letters. George ignored it and Demi went back to her task. She plugged the toaster in and flicked the switch before grabbing a piece of bread. She dropped it into the toaster and pushed it down.

But it wouldn't push down. She tried to be as gentle as she could with it but it wouldn't budge even a little bit. She sighed. It was jammed.
"It's the crumbs again," Demi snapped as she pulled the crumb drawer from the bottom of the toaster. She emptied it into the bin and glanced at George who was cooking his toast on the grill but he didn't look happy doing it.

"It's not my job to clean it out," George bit back and Demi's hands slammed against the counter before she whipped around to face the boy.

"You use the toaster more than me. You clear out your crumbs. It's your crumbs that jam it!" She responded, her voice was slightly raised. Demi didn't know why she was annoyed. She shouldn't have been. It was a toaster for God's sake but she was tired and he had dropped it onto her stomach of all places.

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