"Earth to Miss."

Zarnish sighed and said

"I wish everything can be like this. We all are really happy. I don't want anyone to destroy it."

Kinza nodded her head and then asked her a serious question

"But I couldn't understand one thing."

Zarnish motioned her to say and Kinza asked her

"Why did Shiza steal Zohra's tayi necklace?"

At the name of Shiza, Zarnish's face contorted into bitterness and she stated rather rudely

"Don't take her name."

Kinza was confused. She always saw Shiza being to her own self. She never saw her meddling in anyone's business. She was always smiling and there's was a positivity radiating through her soul.

Kinza couldn't understand that she can do anything like that. She always thought of her as an innocent poor girl who was helpless infront of her situations. Zarnish's cold voice brought her to back to the world

"Sometimes the people we think are innocent are the devil in disguise. Same case is with her."

Kinza didn't say anything. She doesn't know what to say. Zarnish stood up and informed Kinza

"Be ready by 7. We have a dinner today. Taya didn't want anyone of us to be late."

Kinza again nodded her head and Zarnish left the room...

Shah Zain's POV

"You have to attend the dinner tonight, Shah Zain. You can't run away like that."

Baba's displeased voice resonated in my ears. I rolled my eyes and tried to explain him

"Baba, I'm not running away. I just said that I don't want to attend the dinner. Why are you making such a big issue out of it?"

He clicked his tongue in utter disappointment and said

"Zain, why are you not understanding? You were the representer of this project. Barzan Malik has himself invited us. He wants you to come especially."

Why can't dad understand that I don't like to be the centre of attention. I hated gatherings. I want my own personal space which in gatherings is very hard to achieve. So, I tired to skip them most of the time. But right now, dad is not listening to me even once. He is hell bound on me to join that stupid dinner.

Soon, dado and mama entered inside the room. They sure heard our argument voices. Dado looked at dad and asked him

"What's happening here?"

Dad sighed and narrated everything to dado. Mama looked at me with displeased eyes and shook her head. I released a deep breath. Dado remained quite for few minutes before turning to me. She asked me

"Zain, why are not going to this dinner?"

I sighed heavily and answered

"Dado, I don't like these types of gatherings. I feel uncomfortable. Please understand me for once."

Baba chucked dryly and muttered under his breath

"Wow, now we should understand him."

Dado eyed him for brief and then turned her attention back to me. She sighed and said

"Beta, but it's vital for you to attend the dinner."

Again, the same words as dad. No one is understanding me. I looked at mama helplessly and she finally decided to speak

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