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There is no person as severely punished as the one who subjects himself to the whip of his own remorse~

Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people just walk away~

But sadly, not everyone is intelligent. Some fall right back into the trap~


"Papa!! Pleeaassseeeee!!!" 

Hansung firmly shook his head. 

"Please, papa!! Please!! I beg you!!" Junha widened his eyes and jutted his lower lip out, knowing exactly what effect it had on people. Even though he never felt proud of it, it was one of the only good things he had inherited from his biological father, after all. 

The doe eyes and the pouty lips.

Hansung firmly shut his eyes, knowing very well the amount of self control he had against that face. "No way," he said in a voice too small for anyone other than Junha to hear. 

"Papaaaaaa!!" Junha whined. 

He really, really, reallllly wanted to try out one of those energy drinks that his friends always talked about, but Hansung was dead-against it. He had read somewhere that energy drinks contained a low amount of alcohol and after knowing that, he wasn't going to let his son try them. 

"What's up? What's my son whining for?" 

Junha's eyes lit up just as Hansung heaved a defeated sigh. He knew his husband had even lesser self control against Junha's pouty face than himself. This was a lost battle the second Banshin returned from picking a new razor from the next aisle. 

"Banniepa!! Buy me an energy drink pleeeaaaase!!" Junha pulled out the strongest pouty face he could manage, smirking secretly at the way Banshin was already starting to hesitate. 

Banshin looked at Hansung and then back at Junha. "Are you sure? Energy drinks contai-"

"No!!! It's okay!! I can manage!! Nothing will happen!! Please!!" 


"Aish, okay, where is it?" Banshin asked, cutting off Hansung's protests. 

"In the farthest aisle over there!!" Junha exclaimed excitedly and latched himself onto Banshin's arm happily before throwing a smirk at Hansung. Both Banshin and Hansung rolled their eyes. "This kid," Banshin mumbled and exchanged a look with Hansung. 

"I'll wait 'ere," Hansung whispered. 

"Okay," Banshin said, leaned forward to peck Hansung on his lips and then got dragged away by an over-excited Junha. 

It was only after they were out of sight that Hansung let a fond smile decorate his lips. He was too in love with the father-son dynamics of his husband and son. He knew they had become quite close over the few months that they had lived together, but it always warmed his heart seeing just how close they actually were. 

His eyes fell on a nice leather wallet and his mind immediately jumped to the old one that Banshin always carried around. Deciding to buy a new one for him, he picked it up and was just about to open it when he heard a voice calling him out.

A familiar voice.


The wallet fell right out of his hands. He frowned and turned towards the voice, only to find Banshin standing there, wearing different clothes than what he had been wearing just minutes ago. 

"Don't call me that," he signed, knowing his voice wasn't advanced enough for him to manage the entire sentence verbally. He scanned him head to toe. "They are not nice, try something else," he signed and bent down to pick up the wallet, naturally assuming that Banshin had tried new clothes and was here for his opinion. 


He heard a strange kind of intensity mixed up in the voice, which he was starting to realize didn't sound like his husband, and looked up with another frown. 

"What happened, Bannie? What happened to your voice?"

Tears fell out of those doe eyes and Hansung's own eyes widened. His husband suddenly looked a lot older. "What's wrong, baby?" he asked and took a step closer. "And where's Junha?" he asked, noticing that his son wasn't with him. 

"Tae, please..." he pulled his lower lip between his teeth to stop it from trembling.

Hansung stopped taking steps towards him. "Why are you calli-"

"Appa...." he heard Junha's voice behind him, but there was something really strange about it. Because one - Junha called Banshin 'Banniepa'. Not Appa. And two - he sounded beyond terrified. 

He heard a small gasp from a voice that he immediately recognized as his husband and whipped around. 

And there stood his husband, with his son, both looking like their souls left their bodies. 

And it was then that he realized. 

It was then that his soul started to leave his body as well. 

'Tae...' the voice started ringing in his ears.

He slowly turned back around to face the other man.

And then he finally noticed it. 

The other man had no mole under his lower lip.


Hello, guys!!
Welcome to my eighteenth book :DD

I felt like SUCH an actual devil writing this chapter, lmao. I was smiling the whole time I was typing it, and it was super creepy and my mother commented about it to my aunt too, lmao. 

And yes, even though I believe in karma theory, I also hate it when someone gets an easy death. 

So, I present to you guys the THIRD BOOK of the Beyond Trilogy - Beyond Contrition. 

Beyond Alteration***

As usual, the WARNINGS!!!!

First - Don't start from this book, you'll understand nothing. 

Second - This is not really a warning, but more like a permission. You are very free to curse Mr. You-Know-Who as much as you want, I won't stop you. But if I find any of you guys taking his side even once, I won't hesitate reach into the screen and slap you across your face. 

Third - You know me. I can't sleep without writing angst. This is a different kind of angst than what I've ever written, but do get ready with your tissues. 

Fourth - Hansung is pretty happy with his life. So just because You-Know-Who is back, he is not gonna change his name back. I am not going to appreciate any comments that suggest the same. 

Fifth - Banshin just helped Hansung forget You-Know-Who and helped him stop associating him with You-Know-Who. Not the trauma in itself. So I hope you don't lose patience with the amount of trauma Hansung is gonna face. If you do get annoyed, though, you can leave. I'm not stopping you. But I won't tolerate a single word against my Hansung no matter what he does. 

Sixth - A reminder of the format of dialogues.
I am TaeMyGawd. - Typed on phone.
"I am TaeMyGawd." - Sign language.
'I am TaeMyGawd.' - Thoughts.
"I am TaeMyGawd." - Spoken words.
'I am TaeMyGawd.' - Mouthed words.

So with that being said, I hope you enjoy this book :D


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