"If you're going to take a picture, you better take it within the next three seconds. Three, two, one..."

Unable to resist the temptation, Lisa hurriedly ran to Jungkook and wrapped her arms around his waist. She was definitely going to drool if she looked at the picture, but right now, she could touch the actual Jeon Jungkook with her hands.

Jungkook glanced back at Lisa as she rubbed her face against his back.

A laugh escaped through the edge of his lips. Do you like it that much? If things were the other way around... At the thought of Lisa naked under an apron, Jungkook's lower stomach grew boiling hot.

I guess it's pretty nice. It's pretty nice, but...

"Darling, I'm so happy."

"You don't usually call me 'darling'. Why is it coming out now?"

"If you usually do something like this, then you'll probably hear me call you 'darling' all the time."

Lisa went up on her tiptoes and rested her chin on his shoulder. Jungkook couldn't help but kiss her laughing face. Jungkook pressed his lips against her forehead.

"I'm in front of a fire right now. It's dangerous."

The gambas al ajillo was almost done. The shrimp glistened deliciously in the pan.

When he warned her that it was dangerous, Lisa took a step back and grew lost in thought. She stretched out her hand and turned off the electric stove.

"Then can't we just turn it off, darling?"

Jungkook barked out a laugh.

"You're really devious, you know that?"

"And I already know that's why you like me."

She plunged her hands inside the apron and ran her fingers down his abdomen. She could clearly feel each muscle underneath her palms.

As she came to live with Jungkook, she found out one thing. Even on his days off, Jungkook did not slack off on his exercise routine. Because hundreds of people's lives were in his hands during his flights, he was required to take care of his physique in order to keep them safe.

Jungkook thought she respected his job as a pilot because she liked the uniform.

However, this wasn't true. His earnest sense of duty was so trustworthy, so she couldn't help but respect him as a human being in general.

"But Lisa..."

Jungkook covered her hands with his as she ran them along his abdomen.

"Am I the only one who's supposed to be naked?"

His cock began to swell and form a tent inside the apron.

"Are you the only one who gets to touch?"

Jungkook turned around and looked at Lisa. Lisa's wide eyes blinked and gazed at his face. Then they slowly traveled down.

Whenever they finished having sex, Jungkook would always wipe Lisa's body with a damp towel as if it were a habit.

Then he'd put her in one of his t-shirts in case she caught a cold.

His t-shirts were wide and would cover half of her thighs. It was very comfortable, so at some point, she began to wear his t-shirts whenever she was home, unaware of the fact that he would grow hard whenever he saw her pale legs stretching out from under the t-shirt.

It was the same now. She was only wearing his white t-shirt, and her pale neck was sticking out at the top. Her curvy body was hidden underneath.

Underneath the thin fabric, he could see the faint outline of her nipples.

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