An Eventful Morn

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The next morning I rose around 6:30, promising Harry the day before that we could practice some new quidditch plays. I didn't have detention with Snape until after lunch today so I had plenty of free time this morning.

Getting out of bed was harder because I couldn't get myself to fall asleep the night before. After detention, I headed back to the common room and started on some homework for potions. I headed up to my bed a couple hours later, figuring I should get some rest, but even after my head hit the pillow, I could not fall asleep. So many things crossed my mind. School. Detention. Cedric. Detention. And then him. Was he actually being cordial with me early?. It's the last thing I expected from Malfoy.

But I didn't need to waste any time thinking about him. I already knew who he was, how he treated people, and most of all how he felt about me.

Walking towards the quidditch field I spotted a yellow robe in the distance, headed in my direction. It was Cedric.

"Hey Cedric!", I yelled down the path.

"Oh, Avery. Hello", Cedric said as he got closer to me.

"How have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you much this first week."

"Yeah, I've just been a little busy." Cedric looked up and past my shoulder.

"I figured you were busy, or just getting back into the routine of things. Would you maybe want to study together sometime this week?" I asked, getting him to look back at me.

"Uh sure, yeah we can. I can meet you in the library around 11 and we can study before lunch."

"Perfect. I'll see you there."

Cedric patted my shoulder and continued walking. Why was he acting so odd?

I arrived at the quidditch pitch and saw Harry already making his way around the field on his broom. He headed towards me and soon was about five feet away, hovering in the air.

"Hey Ave, you're five minutes late. We agreed on 7 o'clock." Harry snickered.

"I'm sorry, I got caught up in the Hallway with Cedric."

Harry's face went red and his eyes widened. His broom scooted back a few inches.

"No no no, not like that!" I replied, shaking my hands in the air, quickly realizing what Harry thought I had implied.

"Hey, it's none of my business who you choose to snog in the hallways. Just don't let it interfere with our practice time. Gryffindor is getting the house cup this year."

"We were not snogging! I just talked to him for a couple minutes."

"I'm just messing with you Avery, you don't have to get all flustered about it", Harry laughed and flew around me, "Now go grab your broom and get out here."

Harry and I spent the next hour flying around the field, practicing new plays and whacking the bludgers at each other for fun. A few people filed into the stands, but most of them were just there to hang out and study. Harry and I wrapped up things around 8:30 and headed up to breakfast to meet with the others.

I dove into my cinnamon rolls and warm mug of pumpkin juice. After practices, I always felt as if I hadn't eaten in days. This morning the cinnamon rolls were extra sweet and I contemplated taking some on the go with me.

"How'd practice go this morning?" Hermione asked, bringing a spoonful of cereal to her mouth.

"It went well. In more exciting news," Harry lowered his voice and drew closer to the three of us, "Avery has a library date with Cedric."

I nearly spit out my pumpkin juice. Hermione and Ron's mouths both dropped opne and they looked at me excitedly.

"What!!" I said immediately, "I do not!"

"Well I guess it's not technically a date....but they are studying together in the library." Harry added with a mischievous grin on his face.

"That is so cute!!", Hermione said in a quiet, but excited voice.

"Look you guys, this is strictly for studying. It is not a date." I looked sternly, before giving in and smiling with them.

I mean that's the truth. My meeting with Cedric in the library is nothing more than a study session. I mean, I guess I wouldn't be mad if he called it a date. Just me and Cedric hanging out together. Sitting closely reading our book.

I've heard about a lot of things happening in the library. It is rather large and there are nooks and aisles that are more hidden than others. Many things go unaccounted for in the library. Many people get away with things in the library. Imagine me and Cedric in the library.

No. Stop. It is not like that. For all I know Cedric had a girl with her arms around him in the great hall. Pressing her lips to his cheek with a kiss.

But what if that was just a misunderstanding. They could possibly be just good friends. It's been a whole summer, I mean, is it super weird to give your friend a kiss on the cheek? I bet she's not super important. He would've mentioned a girlfriend by now.

After eating we all headed out onto the grounds, looking to find a place to enjoy the sun. The past week had been pretty rainy, but the sun was supposed to be out all morning, so most students were outside. We headed towards the great lake, where we normally sat. A collection of stone benches surrounded a small patch of grass, underneath a big willow tree on the edge of the lake. It was a pretty hidden spot that we all discovered in the first year and we have been coming here to hang out ever since.

We spent a couple hours under the tree, studying, reading and goofing around with each other, when I realized that 11 o'clock was approaching and I needed to head to the library.

"I've got to get going but I'll catch you guys at lunch." I said standing up from the bench I had been laying on.

"I won't be at lunch because I have to meet with Dumbledore." Harry said to us.

"I'll be there," Hermione replied, giving me a smile, "Ron's convinced me to go with him early because they're serving his favorite sausages today."

"I am so excited," Ron said, the hunger flashing in his eyes, "Good luck with your date." He laughed and winked at me.

"It's not a date!" I said, laughing, while turning away.

I heard the boys murmur more to each other and go into fits of laughter. I looked back to see them rolling in the grass, wrestling each other. Oh Boys.

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