We met back up with Cedric and his father at the entrance to the quidditch pitch and headed inside. There were so many stairs and platforms on our way up to the top, I thought it would never end. Mr. Weasley and Mr. Diggory were at the front of our group laughing and holding conversation between one another, which slowed us down even more.

"Do you think my dad could walk any slower?" Ginny turned and said to me with a roll of her eyes. She quickly nudged past Cedric and headed closer to her dad.

"She has got such a short temper, that one. I have no idea where she's gotten that from", Ron said with a sigh. Me and Harry exchanged a glance and laughed.

"Yeah I wonder", Harry said and smirked at me again.

We came to another platform and this time arrived at a full stop, crowds blocking our way onto the next set of stairs. I leaned onto the rail and looked at the multiple levels below us. And that's when I saw him. I wouldn't mistake that platinum blond hair for anyone else. It was also hard to not notice his repulsive dad with the blond mop next to him. He turned and found me with his grey eyes before I had time to turn around. Crap

"Well if it isn't Ackerman and the rat pack," Draco said with an evil grin on his face. "Surprised to see you guys are still climbing, who would've thought you actually got good seats."

"For your information, we have an invitation to sit with the Minister Of Magic. They're gonna be the best seats in the house." I say quickly, making sure to return a harsh look at him.

"Oh great, that's where me and father are sitting as well. I can never escape you and your nasty bunch of friends." he retorted.

"I'd feel bad for us having to be in your proximity, but I feel worse for the seat that has to support your arse for the whole game." I say with a smirk and turn back to the group, my back facing Draco. I hear him scoff and whisper something to his father.

Our crowd starts to move again and soon enough we're heading up more steps towards the top of the stadium. Why does Draco have to be sitting in the same box as us. All he does is make rude comments about my friends and boast about his wealth. I'm gonna saw my ears off. Hopefully the game keeps everyone occupied and I won't have to worry too much about him.

As we reached the level before ours, Harry bought our group a couple pairs of Omnioculars. The man selling them wore a bright green hat that had a dancing leprechaun on it. He told us that if we watch the game through them we can slow it down or rewind certain parts. I'll probably just let the others use them. We finally reached the top and took our seats. As we reached the top I noticed there was only one other person and a house elf. Maybe everyone was running late?

I sat in between Hermione and George. Fred had been whispering to him about some sort of deal they made with the minister. Hopefully they haven't gotten themselves into anything stupid. I turned to speak to Hermione, but the air filled with the voice of the Minister and soon enough the game had begun. Everything happened so fast I thankfully didn't even notice when the Malfoys came and sat behind us.

Harry and Ron had the Omnioculars up to their eyes the whole game. It was an intense back and forth and I could never really tell what was going on. The bludgers were flying everywhere and a team member from Ireland spiraled to the ground. The game continued and the players dashed through the sky. I don't think I've ever seen a quidditch game so intense. The fans are going wild and the mascots are rooting for their teams. The game continues and soon enough I see Krum shoot towards the ground. I hadn't seen much of him during the game and I kind of wish I had gotten to see more. He wasn't too harsh on the eyes.

Krum shoots towards the ground as the seeker from Ireland follows close behind. Right before reaching the ground he pulls up and catches the snitch, meanwhile the other seeker smashes into the ground. The crowd went wild and everyone was cheering. People were out of their seats and jumping around. I couldn't tell if Bulgaria had won or if Ireland was still ahead.

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