Back To School

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The week flew by and soon enough it was time to take the Hogwarts Express back to school. The morning was hectic as everyone rushed to pack up their luggage and grab everything they wanted to take to school. I was most excited to return to Hogwarts because it gave me a sense of independence. I could be my own person, make my own decisions, and do whatever I choose to do in my free time. Sure, there are rules but, you can really get away with a lot at a school where people are distracted by the magic and fun going on around them.

My favorite part about Hogwarts is also the mystery. I discover new places every year. It seems as if there is always a different corner I haven't noticed or a pretty bush that conceals you from the world that I hadn't seen the year before. There is so much that is still to be uncovered and I can't wait to unlock those new mysteries in my fourth year here. 

The train blows it's horn and brings me back to the present moment in front of me.

"Hurry so we can get our own compartment. I don't want to have to share with those odd ravenclaws we got stuck with last year", Harry said and looked at me with wide eyes.

I let out a laugh.

"They weren't half bad, you're just being dramatic. We understand that you enjoy your privacy", I say back to him.

We all stepped onto the train and filed down the aisle until we reached an empty compartment. It was just Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I inside. I got comfy and sat next to Harry, leaning my head against the window so I could see Molly on the platform. She gave me a big smile and waved, her fluffy red hair blowing around in a mess because of the wind. Molly was like my second mom and I am so glad to have her around. 

The train pulled out of the station and my scenery changed to the beautiful woods, full of trees and streams. The temperature outside was dropping fast and I noticed the edges of our window beginning to frost. 

Someone knocked on the compartment window and I turned to see Cedric outside. He put his hand up and waved me out.

"I think he wants you to follow him", Hermione said smiling at me.

"Oooohh, someone has a crushhhh", Harry snickered quietly and looked at me giggling.

"Oh, shut it", I replied and stood up, hoping my cheeks weren't too red.

I walked to the door of the compartment and opened it, walking into the aisle and shutting the door behind me. My heart was beating out of my chest.

"Hey Cedric, what's up?", I asked him with a smile.

"Just wanted to know if you wanted to share a compartment. I completely understand if not", he looked at me, a nervous grin appearing on his face. We met eyes and he quickly looked down at his shoes. 

"Of course, I'd love to get to talk to you some more", I replied.

I followed him down the aisle and we ended up at an empty compartment.

"Prefects get their own compartment, but my partner wanted to sit with her friends, so I have the whole thing to myself", He said walking inside.

We each got a bench to ourselves and laid down looking at the roof of the compartment. Cedric enchanted it to look like the forest outside of the window. Soon enough, it started raining and the droplets hit the roof as though it was glass. We spent the whole ride talking to each other about our lives and the time we've spent at Hogwarts. I felt like I got to know Cedric on a new level and truly perceived him as a good friend. 

"You know, I can't believe we've never talked before now, especially going to school together for three years already", Cedric said, turning his head to me. 

"I know, I wish we could have met earlier. You seem like such a sweet and genuine person", I replied, returning a small grin to him. 

"Well, cheers to the new school year and hopefully many good memories to come." Cedric returned his gaze to the roof, where droplets continued to fall rapidly.

We spent the rest of the ride enjoying each other's silent company and watching the scenery pass as we got closer to school. What seemed like hours later, the train came to a slow stop. 

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