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I walked inside and the warm air welcomed me like a nice hug. My ears filled with the sound of the boys singing and making fun of each other.

"Krum is like no other! The way he flies through the air like a bird", Ron says with a bright look on his face.

"I think you're in love!" Harry shouts with a laugh and looks at the twins.

"Oh shut up!", Ron shouts back, but his voice is drowned out by the laughter and singing from the twins again.

Excited shouts and chants can be heard coming from every direction outside of the tent. I heard yelling and knew our tent wasn't the only one full of energy after the game. I heard a few loud bangs and more screaming. Another loud bang followed and the screams got louder. People were running past our tent and shouting. What is going on out there?

"The Irish must really be celebrating their win." Fred says with a laugh as Mr. Weasley entered the tent with urge.


My heart immediately picked up speed and everyone was exchanging worried glances. We all grabbed our wands and rushed out of the tent. People were screaming and rushing past us, bumping our shoulders. A lady ran by and knocked me to the ground.

"Fred and George, you're in charge of Ginny. The rest of you stay together. Get back to the portkey, I'll meet you there", Mr. Weasley yelled with an exasperated look. He turned around and ran into the crowd.

Harry reached down and pulled me to my feet. I saw Fred grab Olivia's hand and pull her towards George and Ginny. They disappeared into the crowd.

"Move your feet Avery, we need to go!", Harry shouted, bringing me back to my senses. I turned and followed Harry, Ron, and Hermione into the crowd.

Oh no. Where is Cedric. I wonder if he's caught up in all of this as well. The thought leaves my mind as quick as it appeared and a woman hits my shoulder with her bag. We're pushing past people and Harry's dragging me to the point of my legs almost not being able to keep up. Crowds are pushing all around us and all I can feel is dense, wet heat. I can feel my throat tightening and its getting harder for me to breathe. Dust is filling the air around us and the screams are getting louder.

"Just a little farther until we reach the woods. Then we'll have a little bit of cover and can take a break", Ron turns and urges us to keep running letting out an exhausted breath.

I see dense trees in the area a bit ahead of us and realize that's where we're headed. I take a deep breath and hope for another short burst of energy so I can keep running and not pass out. I stumble a bit and Harry gets pulled back by the hand he's been holding.

"Avery we're almost there please. Just keep running", Harry looked at me with pleading eyes.

He turns and walks to me, putting my arm around his shoulder and starts to move again. By allowing me to put a little of my weight on him, I realize it's a little easier to move. We keep running and soon reach the woods. There's a patch of bushes ahead and I see Ron and Hermione duck behind one. Harry and I followed and collapsed on the ground next to them.

"Put your back against here and catch your breath. We're gonna have to start moving again soon. The Portkey isn't too far from here", Ron said, his face as red as a tomato.

I picked my body up and leaned against a bush across from the trio. Hermione cast me a worried smile.

"What do you think's going on? What's causing all this commotion?", Hermione asks.

"I'm not sure but I saw a small group of people with masks while we were running. I'm positive this is Voldemort's doing. Those have to be death eaters-", Harry said but was cut off by the crunching of branches.

My face went pale and we all went quiet. I scooted across the way and all four of us leaned closer together. The crunches continued on the other side of the bush, the footsteps getting closer and closer. I felt my heart beating out of my chest and it became harder for me to keep my breathing quiet. I heard another crunch, this time on my right side. The step sounded like it had been right on the other side if the bush.

I look towards Harry and his face is sweating. Ron and Hermione have scooted themselves halfway into the bush. I can see the fear behind Harry's eyes. Just calm down Avery. Keep your breath silent. I pull out my wand and sit up a little straighter. Looking back to my right, I brace myself for whatever may come out of the shadows.

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