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Our group collects themselves after the rough landing and we all head towards the entrance to the camp. As we approach the wizard guarding the entrance, we notice that he's frantically speaking to himself. Arthur turns towards us and says, "Let me speak to him really quick", with a nervous smile and skips away to speak to the man. I turned to Olivia and Harry.

"What do you think is up with that guy?" I asked with a bewildered expression and we all laugh.

"Maybe he's had a stressful morning. I don't know what it is, but he looks like he's seen a mountain troll", Harry whispered to us with a laugh.

Arthur starting approaching us with an almost reassuring smile.

"Sorry about that guys, he said that the ministry is having trouble with keeping everything hidden from the muggles. People are apparating into the middle of businesses and causing a lot of trouble for our Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. They've already had to send a group of Obliviators down to a café nearby" , he said with a shake of his head.

"Oh, don't let the ministry's business stress you out while you're off Arthur!", Mr. Diggory said as he landed his palm on Mr. Weasley's back a couple of times with a thump. "I'm sure they've got everything handled."

"Well then, let's get headed inside and set up camp shall we!", Mr. Weasley exclaimed, and with that he turned around and strutted towards camp.

We all looked at each other and let out a collective sigh and a few laughs. Mr. Diggory and Cedric followed Arthur closely and the rest of our group traveled a little behind.

"So do we have a boys and a girls tent?", Harry asked the twins and Ron.

"No, that wouldn't really be needed. We should all fit in the one tent that Dad brought." , Fred replied.

"Oh um.. okay", Harry said as he cast me a confused, almost worried look. I returned the look and kept walking. How could all of us manage to fit into one tent. There were at least eight of us here. We walked passed many groups of people sporting their team pride on the way to our spot. Many tents had multiple levels and were decked out in green or red to show support for their teams. A little girl ran out of one and around the corner as a little boy followed.

"MOM, MARIE STOLE DAD'S WAND", he exclaimed. They were both gone around the back of the tent as fast as they had appeared.

We walked a short distance further, and I saw many more faces and tents full of families, all here to witness the Quidditch World Cup this afternoon. My body filled with a tingly, happy feeling and a new wave of energy hit me that added a little bit more pep to my step. I am so excited for today.

"And here we are", Arthur exclaimed as we reached a blank patch in between the crowded rows of tents around us. He reached into his huge backpack and unloaded what seemed to be 10 yards of canvas and some really big sticks. With a flick of his wand the tent was fully set up. It only looked to be 7 feet deep and 5 feet wide. How will we all manage to fit?

"I call the top bunk!", Fred says as he pushes past us to go inside. Soon after him follows George, Arthur, Ron, and Ginny. Olivia, Harry and I stare at each other in bewilderment.

Harry slowly enters the tent as me and Olivia follow closely behind. My eyes become wide with surprise. The tent had to have been at least 15 feet tall and had multiple rooms, including some couches and a kitchen. I walk over to the bedroom area and set my bags on one of the bottom bunks. There are four bunks beds, which works perfectly for our group. Arthur got his own bed next to the living room. Olivia walked up to me and set her stuff down.

"Mind if I take the top of your bunk?", she said with a smirk.

Fred walked up fiercely and gave Olivia a big bump in the hip, sending her flying towards the other bunks.

"Oops, sorry didn't see you there. I hope you weren't planning on using this top bunk? You weren't? Perfect. It's mine now.", Fred said with a laugh as Olivia glared at him. "What was I supposed to do? The Other three top bunks are already taken by George, Ginny, and Ron." He crawled up onto his bed and waved around a handkerchief from his bag as a sign of victory.

"You are such an pain in the-", Olivia started to say before she was interrupted by Mr. Weasley.

"Hurry up and get all your stuff settled in kids. We need to head towards the quidditch pitch soon" Arthur said in a hurry, quickly turning back to his bags. Olivia rolled her eyes at Fred and moved her stuff to the bottom bed of the next bunk. George leaned over the edge and looked at his new bunkmate.

"Well hello there. What happened to your top bunk?" He said with a smirk and sly look at Fred across the way.

"Shut your face before I shove my foot up your arse", Olivia replied immediately and didn't even care to give him a glance. I laughed and looked at the others.

Everyone seemed to find their bunks with Harry under Ron and Hermione under Ginny. We all talked about the days plans, got our stuff put away and headed out the door of the tent. The twins seemed to be getting along with Olivia again, and Fred agreed to give her a ride on his back the whole way to the pitch for stealing her top bunk. I can't contain my happiness and the air is full of laughs as we make our way towards the game. I'm wearing my Bulgaria face paint and the twins are decked out in their green, white, and orange. Harry and Ron are both wearing their Bulgaria shirts and waving around a flag while singing a chant, their voices clanging together like metal pans. This day couldn't get any better.

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