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I heard another crunch and my heart skipped a beat. There was a quick flash of black and a figure was on the ground next to me. I prepared to cast the first spell in mind but a hand landed over my mouth and my eyes found their target. The pair of brown eyes stared back at me. I scanned the face in front of mine and became a lot calmer.

"Shhhh....", Cedric said as he lowered his hand from my mouth.

Another loud sound occurred from where Cedric had just come. It sounded like a whole group of people now and they were very quick on their feet. The crunching was much louder this time and seemed to be getting closer.

"I don't think we're going the right way", the unknown voice said in a low grumble, "No one else from the group headed this way."

"What makes you think you have a right to tell me I'm wrong. Just shut up and follow me", another unknown voice said, this one lower and more aggressive.

"I understand, but I swear we are headed in the wrong direction", the other insisted.

"Fine, but keep your mouth shut the rest of the way. I can take it from here", the aggressive voice replied.

Their footsteps got farther and farther away. I heard Hermione let out a long awaited exhale and it almost frightened me. I had be so focused on the situation that I had almost forgotten who I was with.

"Okay guys, let's head out. The portkey shouldn't be much farther around this hill. We have to make it there so we can all get home safe.", Ron said in a quiet voice.

We all stood up slowly and scanned our surroundings. We seemed to be clear and headed out towards the hill. I was still pretty shaky from the whole occurrence but I knew that we were safer now and needed to get home. I couldn't wait until I could just lay down and relax. It felt like we had been walking for a few minutes when I looked up at the sky. The stars were always beautiful, and they were way easier to see when I was away from the city. As soon as my eyes met the sky I was filled with horror. I noticed a bright green mark moving around. The mark of Voldemort.

"Guys, look at the sky", I said, my voice full of disgust and horror.

Everyone looked up and let out gasps of shock. I knew we need to get out of here as soon as possible. No where was safe, and the sooner everyone got to the portkey, the sooner we could all be back home. I picked up the pace and started to lead the group. We eventually came around the hill and reached the top where the portkey was at. Everyone else had already made it there and seemed to be in one piece.

"Okay, you all know the drill," Arthur said frantically, "Fingers on the boot."

We all leaned over and claimed our touch on the dirty shoe, yearning for our warm beds and the safety of the burrow. I felt the world start to spin around me and soon enough we hit the ground. I've never felt more excited to be slammed against grass. I knew we were safe now. Mr. Diggory and Cedric had to part with us here. Cedric walked up to me.

"You were brave out there tonight. It's takes a lot of courage to lead a group in times like these", Cedric leaned over and kissed my cheek, "Goodnight."

He turned and walked back to his father. They headed in the other direction and we started on our way. The walk back to the burrow was pretty silent. Everyone knew what had happened and everyone was too tired to speak about it now. We eventually made it back to the burrow and as soon as we walked through the door we were bombarded by Molly. She shoved warm tea our way and had many blankets waiting by the couch.

"Now you guys better tell me if you're hurt or need help with anything. I can't believe this has happened. Right under the Ministry's nose. It is absolutely terrible," Molly continued as some of us headed upstairs.

My feet were aching terribly and my head felt as if someone had hit me over it with a bottle eight times. I couldn't even begin to process what had just happened. The day had been going so well and of course it couldn't stay that way. I knew this was just the beginning. The death eaters planning a huge event like this had to mean something and I knew it had to be pretty bad.

I went to the bathroom and started running the water until it was warm. I wet a washcloth and wiped down my face. It felt so relaxing, I almost fell asleep right there while I was standing. I headed back to Ginny's room when I was done and changed into my pajamas. Olivia and Ginny were already in bed but Hermione was no where to be found. I assume she's still with the boys. I got into my cot and immediately found myself swept away into sleep. Tomorrow morning is going to be busy.


I woke up to the smell of coffee in the air again and knew the morning had arrived. I felt pretty awake and the house was still quiet, so I assumed I was one of the first ones up. I sat up quietly and looked around the room. The sun had just began to peek around the curtains and everyone was still in bed except for Hermione. The previous nights event hit me and I was sent into a moment of recollection. Did that really happen. How did the day go from fun and relaxation to an attack by death eaters. We really could never catch a break around here. I headed downstairs after using the restroom and saw Molly and Hermione sitting at the table.

"Good morning dear," Molly said with a smile, " I'm glad to see you're alright after yesterday. You guys gave me a good fright."

"Yeah it was pretty crazy, but we all stuck together and made sure we got back safe", I replied, giving her a reassuring grin.

"I'm really happy to hear about that. Hermione was just telling me about everything. She said something about you and Cedric?" Molly said with a chuckle.

My face immediately turned red and I let out a light laugh. I'm going to kill her.

"Oh that's nothing really. Yesterday is the first time we even had a real conversation", I said as convincingly as possible, "I'm sure he was just trying to be nice."

Molly raised an eyebrow at me and let out another laugh. I gave Hermione a friendly glare. Did everyone think that me and Cedric were a thing now? We had barely hung out yesterday and I have no idea where they would gather that impression. I mean we were pretty friendly, but I don't want Cedric to think I'm telling people that we're together.

"Well you better head back and tell everyone else to get up. We've got to go to Diagon Alley today and get all our your guy's school supplies. We don't want to start running behind now", Mrs. Weasley said, interrupting my rapid thoughts.

"Okay, will do ma'am", I say heading up the stairs.

Hopefully everyone get's up easy and we can head on our way. I don't really know what I need for school, but a trip to Diagon Alley is always fun. The candy shops and book stores. I really would love to get a new quill and ink set. Maybe I'll even see Cedric.

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